


30 days, 17 hours ago





killer clown


he / them


gay male




  • he has a boyfriend names vanth
  • he is absolutly insane and has been in solatary confinment before
  • he likes to paint while doing tricks
  • loves to stand right infront of the tv while watching it
  • is very into kidcore clothes
  • always is found with is keeper boyfrind vanth who usualy has twister on a leash backpack

Twister is an 18-year-old killer clown dog! He has only killed 3 people in the last circus/fair he was a part of. More about him in his story!


Twister was around 15 years old when he was in his last circus/fair. He worked in the fun house of horrors. There were 2 other clowns that worked with him. Twister had overdosed a few times in his life and failed at his “attempts” so he's a bit less there in the brain meaning he's going insane. The other clowns he worked with thought it would be a fun idea to lure a girl away from her friends and give her a real scare towards the back of the fun house. Cosmo the “leader” clown had been insane for a while now. He has gotten to into character over the past year and it now consumed his entire personality. He led the girl to the back of the fun house with Twister and Doink the clown following. The girl died that night. She thought she was getting an excuse tour but all she got was a tour to her death. They spread her body around the fun house claiming they were high-quality props they continued this for a few weeks until the smell became unbearable. The other workers thought it was vomit hidden in places they could not find that smelled more and more with the heat but it was the limbs. The police came and soon found Cosmo, doink, and Twister responsible. Cosmo was shot and killed along with Doink as he tried to mangle one of the officers but twister. He was schizophrenic. He was in a state of mind during it all that made him seem less lethal as he cooperated with the police and they sent him to solitary confinement. During his time there his mind became more and more corrupt. The voices and hallucinations of cosmo and doink haunted his mind torturing him and telling him to do unspeakable things. Until one day he was released. On the outside world of Twister's mind, he looked fine. Sitting down, not saying much that anyone could hear or see, looked calm as all of the horror was in his head. It was like he was in a coma but still awake.

to be countiued


  • his boyfriend of course
  • watching tom and jerry
  • going to the park and scaring kids
  • doing face paintings on vanth
  • dressing up in bright colors


  • silence and quiet spaces
  • taking his medication
  • getting yelled out
  • flashing lights (reminds him of police lights)
  • talking about his circus life



Vanth met Twister when Twister was getting out of solitary confinment. Vanth was in training to become a therapist for patients like Twister. he became closer with Twister getting to understand him and how his brain worked, and helped him get over some of his traumas from his past along with getting know him more as a human rather then just a sad crimainal. after a year of working with Twister their bond was unbreakable. Vanth went rogue after finding out what other doctors were doing to Twister and broke him out of prision and they skipped the country with one another and started to live a new life.


clown leader

to be continued


clown friend

to be continued

to be continued

to be continued

to be continued