


5 years, 8 months ago


  • Vuk is a strange cat living on the fringes of a village along the edge of a forest. She was born in the village, but as she grew her supernatural capabilities quickly became apparent. In her youth, she quickly spiraled away from "gifted mage" and more towards "off the rails soothsayer" as her visions and powers became increasingly wild. Now in her middle age, she has become ostracized by the townsfolk and has earned the reputation of "the crazy lady that lives in the woods." She is seemingly unfazed by this, and prefers living alone anyway. She has little interest in socializing, but will occasionally speak with passers by.
  • She is weak but wiry and may be hostile if taken by surprise
  • Doesn't talk to herself per se, but will unconsciously speak her thoughts aloud just to hear someone's voice
  • Her perception of reality is a bit off, so some thoughts are completely incoherent and senseless. She is more prone to breaks with reality under extreme stress.
  • Not too smart, but incredibly gifted with magic and the supernatural. 
  • Basically a fortune teller, she can see glimpses into the possible futures of others and into their past lives
  • Is the first to warn Pluto of Venus's plan to hunt her down
  • Fur is black and messy, can be drawn glossy or more matte looking. It is unkempt and tends to stick out around her joints
  • Cheek fur is long and breaks in large chunks
  • Very large ears that are ragged and torn. They are likely torn up from a combination of her running through underbrush, being singed by spells, and scraps with whatever else this poor lady encounters.
  • Whiskers are all bent and unkempt
  • Slightly forked tongue
  • Long and spindly, she's bony under the fur
  • Tail is long and bends at erratic angles
  • Voice sounds like a crazy aunt from New Jersey who's been smoking since 12

Associated Characters: Pluto