


7 years, 1 month ago



  • Pluto enjoys getting a rise out of others and playing petty tricks, but doesn't usually take things too far. In the past she was more inclined to cruel acts, but has greatly mellowed with age.
  • She can occasionally appear very aloof to people / events around her, as she is sometimes lost in her own little world.
  • Can have brief sporadic streaks of unsympathetic behavior with seemingly no cause, though she rarely intends harm on anyone. She is likely preoccupied with something going on in that one-eyed noggin of hers.
  • Pluto is an apparently ageless feline who roams nomadically throughout different realms and worlds. She has gained many abilities throughout her long and at times unscrupulous life. Non-natal abilities, in her dimension, can be gained by taking the life of another who WAS born with your sought ability. 
  • Her innate ability to fully split into two separate beings along her center line is made possible because she was born with a dual soul. Instead of being born as twins, she fused into one being in the womb. Her abilities to distort and duplicate her body parts were stolen from others.
  • She gained "immortality" by splitting herself into two and having one self cross into the dimension where the departed roam. This action granted the ability to move freely between realms of the living and realms of departed souls. This is not a surefire guarantee of immortality, as she is not protected of lethal injuries by others, Essentially, she is immortal unless killed.
  • She is generally relatively friendly, and she enjoys talking with others. She enjoys visiting places where no one knows who she is, so that she has a fresh batch of people to meet and stories to hear.
  • Stumbles upon Vuk, a clairvoyant who warns her that she is being hunted down by someone who wants to steal her abilities and immortality.

Abilities / body language / etc:

  • She can split in half along her center line creating two of herself. One would be yellow and the other blue. She can split at different degrees (Ex: 2 heads, tails, etc)
  • She can sprout extra limbs and eyes all over her body.
  • Very good at mimicking other's voices; can speak in any voice and make a wide variety of sounds. Although she can mimic the tone of voices, she can't always accurately replicate accents.
  • Has extensive knowledge (like a mental map) about locations of "thin places" where she can jump through portals / holes to different worlds / realms / locations.
  • Has impressive regenerative abilities, and can heal most wounds rather quickly.
  • The green slime inside her has hallucinogenic effects on others if their mucous membranes come in contact with it. She can produce this slime in her saliva, and it has a low grade effect on herself as well if produced in excess. 
  • Most of her stripes ARE NOT random!! The stripes on her tail aside from the two closest to the tip are, though!
  • Her right side is yellow, while her left side is blue
  • Note that the light color on her paws / tail tip are slightly different hues respective to the side they're on
  • Feel free to draw her with extra body parts or body horror ! 
  • When cut, she leaks a gooey green slime instead of blood
Recommended listening!! 
Dark Age  X  You Ain't Down  X  Salah  X  Stude  X  Walla Walla  X  Siamese  X  Rockyou Feelit  X  Edge

Vide Noir  X  Secret of Life  X  Ancient Names