
30 days, 6 hours ago


A cat with a mix of rustic, intricate patterns that switch from his sun/moon markings. He has mask like markings from his torso to his neck— A trail of stars always seems to be following him. 







( the Faded star )

prev. names

 Guidedkit, Guidedpaw, Guidedsun.

Gender Male.

He / They


??? | ??? YRS

sexuality Bisexual + Aroace. 
rank Medicine cat/mentor?
birth season Leaf-fall (spring)


with impurities or unwanted elements having been removed by processing. developed or improved so as to be precise or subtle.


the definition of sun is “the star at the center of the solar system”— is as important as the sun. 

efinedsun is horrible at expressing any emotion other then irritation or regret, Although this could be because of his bad temper and wild mood swings. He is overall straightforward and has no filter, resulting in him also being very awkward or reserved. 


He has a respectable work ethic and won’t rest until a solution is found, it’s just what he’s used to.

He’s hesitant about major decisions he makes unless he’s convinced it’s the right one. He feels as if a set of eyes are judging his every move. He’s like this due to past memories of him being overly-trusting and honestly… naive. 

Running away is easy. 
VANO 3000 - Samual. T herring - BADBADNOTGOOD. 

( )



Running away is easy. It’s the leaving that’s hard. And loving you was easy, it was the leaving that scarred. 

Time.. Time.. Time.. Time.. 
Running away is easy, It’s the leaving that’s 

he stands at a slightly over average hight of 13 inches. 
He is slim and lanky. His fur is relatively short other then the exceptions of a few specific areas. 

( design notes )

  • His sun marking is NOT a option. 
  • Accessories are optional but preferred. 
  • Design can always be simplified. 

He is persevered as intimidating, somewhat-confident, and creepily eerie. 

worth: your soul

  • Windy days 
  • Peaceful silence 
  • Sunsets
  • Warm water
  • Feeling useful

  • Being in the wrong
  • Being scolded
  • Being controlled
  • Bugs
  • Being bothered too much

  • deception/being lied to
  • Never making amends to anyone/everyone
  • Not being able to tell everyone the truth; 

  • ???

( Personality )







having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.

He knows what is and is not possible and doesn’t set himself high expectations in order to avoid disappointment or failure.


a individual who posses keen awareness of the world around them; quick to piece things together. 

having or showing sensitive insight, he keeps a mental tab on everything happening between the clans. If you think your hiding something, I assure you, your not. 


feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or one's actions.

Refinedsun is no stranger to second guessing his every move because of others opinion, prejudice or judgment. Even if someone looks at him strangely, he’ll immediately assume he’s done something to attract the attention. 

having or showing dodged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.

His unwillingness to do something is incredibly annoying and unnecessary to others, earning him the title of “stubborn”. 

the use of irony to mock or convey contempt in another’s actions.

As soon as he sees a opening, he finds amusement in repeating back that persons words or actions because they seem so unreal  and idiotic to him. He loves to feel above everyone else; intellectually

prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk. A person who is cautious will go to any lengths necessary to avoid pain. 

Before he makes a dangerous move, he maps out every possible outcome in his head to decide if he should continue what he was doing. It’s the only time he’s ever truly decisive. 

( trivia )

  • he’s known to shuffle and change his stance abruptly in uncomfortable situations.
  • He is not very forgetful; and doesn’t forgive easy.
  • He does actually have a soft side; he just doesn’t expose it often at all. 
  • He has a very obvious tell: his tail wagging aggressively. 
  • His ears always lay flat and on edge; it’s rare to catch him off his guard.

Do you resent your father? 

“He did what he had to; like most do. I don’t think it’s a matter of forgiving him or not, but understanding him.“ 

Do you ever feel loNely?

“I’m not answering that.” 


What rule of the warrior code are you most likely to break?

“I don’t believe I could ever break one. but if I had to, it would likely be rule 3. ‘An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles.” But what the warrior code does not posses knowledge on is that some cats do deserve to die.”

If you had the chance to change one action in the past, committed by you, what would it be? 

“To never trust those who are closest to you.” 

Whats That Suppose To mean? 
The Beginning

Suspendisse accumsan erat eget elit fringilla, feugiat placerat enim pharetra. Sed in malesuada ex, vel congue orci. Curabitur lacinia imperdiet odio, et maximus nisl semper blandit. Aliquam lobortis risus at ex sagittis, vel tristique augue rhoncus. Nunc sit amet ultricies sapien. Praesent eget sem quis ipsum tincidunt gravida eu vitae odio. Praesent commodo ipsum augue, at aliquet eros pharetra id. Maecenas ac sodales odio, non facilisis quam. Sed commodo dui vel sapien feugiat, vel malesuada ipsum egestas. Proin maximus leo sem, et imperdiet dolor porta non. Quisque mattis auctor felis, et dictum sem feugiat id. Aenean ex quam, tempor id velit volutpat, pretium maximus mauris. Vivamus non turpis tristique, lobortis metus quis, tincidunt dui. Fusce vulputate, massa ac sagittis pellentesque, nibh nibh vestibulum libero, hendrerit tempus ex nulla eleifend odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In rhoncus ut felis eget pretium. Cras interdum risus vitae pellentesque sagittis. Nunc at sem neque. Duis pretium diam et maximus suscipit. Nullam cursus fringilla orci sed euismod. Integer in nulla consectetur ipsum finibus hendrerit. Morbi vestibulum viverra metus, et bibendum risus scelerisque vel. Nam ultricies dignissim ante in mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras rutrum lectus quis arcu interdum mattis.

The Now

A short caption of image.

Morbi ipsum lacus, laoreet sit amet volutpat vitae, commodo ut dolor. Nunc lacinia lacus ac libero laoreet pellentesque. In pretium sapien quam, vel placerat velit tristique vitae. Nullam laoreet a leo sit amet lobortis. Vivamus mattis lorem ut varius luctus. Aliquam vitae tortor massa. Morbi convallis neque nec ultricies bibendum. Fusce eu lorem risus. Integer quam purus, ultrices vitae erat at, convallis ultricies massa. Vestibulum sed consectetur arcu. Fusce fringilla gravida accumsan. Ut lobortis quam nec massa congue, et semper est rhoncus. Aliquam eleifend euismod erat ac malesuada. Nunc bibendum lorem massa, sit amet hendrerit sapien semper id. Curabitur iaculis nisl in enim pharetra, venenatis faucibus velit accumsan.

Suspendisse a odio ac leo tincidunt cursus nec in lorem. Phasellus at lorem mauris. Suspendisse mollis odio id urna iaculis tincidunt. Sed molestie felis id accumsan accumsan. Quisque vulputate laoreet faucibus. Ut augue nulla, laoreet vel aliquam eget, lobortis et eros. Suspendisse risus augue, fringilla vitae quam vestibulum, elementum ullamcorper justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in risus commodo enim pretium rutrum eu at turpis. Ut nibh neque, tincidunt ut mauris eget, pretium eleifend lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque nec dolor sodales, accumsan lacus luctus, laoreet turpis. Ut accumsan diam ipsum, quis convallis quam porta ut. Suspendisse accumsan commodo sem.

Etiam placerat eros eget scelerisque tristique. Integer pulvinar semper mauris, eget rutrum justo accumsan eu. Sed ultricies sollicitudin aliquam. Pellentesque luctus ligula turpis, in accumsan libero faucibus in. Nulla sem ipsum, placerat in fringilla nec, consectetur vitae felis. Mauris bibendum pretium ante. Vestibulum dignissim eros nec elementum malesuada. Donec ac arcu turpis. Praesent ultrices, felis vel sollicitudin varius, nisl velit euismod purus, vitae scelerisque arcu elit sit amet libero.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.