Takahashi Mikan



26 days, 4 hours ago


What taste the bright world has, whole fields without wires, the blackened moss, the clouds swelling at the edges of the meadow. And for this, I did nothing, not even wonder. You must live for something, they say. People don't live just to keep on living. But here is the quince tree, a sky bright and empty. Here there are blueberries, there is no need to note me.

A vestige of your follies, fancies, the candied dreams you once harbored and ate with ardor, now bittering the bottom of your chipped porcelain cup. For years you've wandered, braving high altitudes and rising seas, in search of a place to anchor your impossible dreams. You wanted love, romance. You wanted a family. You wanted justice and truth and all of it.


"At what point is something gone completely? The last of the sunlight is disappearing even as it swells—"


Takahashi Mikan

高橋 蜜柑




Neutral Good

Female (she/her)


Office Worker

February 22nd

Utsunomiya, Tochigi




Too long I'd mothered myself with the admiration of onlookers. I was grateful to be alone in my abstraction. To be both ignored and abraded by a coarse sky. I did not offer up parts of me like kindling. I will not embellish a single hemisphere.


You'll find a glossy photo of Mikan next to it-girl in the dictionary; her eyes bright, her smile catlike in the corners of cupid's bow lips — as pink Dior Lip Glow conceals the bite of a razor-sharp tongue. All the telltale symptoms of a twenty-second century woman on a warpath.

A glowing academic transcript, multiple internships and part-time jobs, and Mikan's overall refusal to give anyone a reason to deny her all made it easy for her to secure a comfortable position in the administrative department of Tiger Lily Records. Though she's had her sights aimed even higher from the moment she was handed her employee ID — the much-coveted position of secratary for the company CEO himself.

For years, Mikan has curated her life with a level of surgical precision usually reserved one's Instagram feed; quick to cut out anything and anyone that skews its cohesion. Call her selfish, call her a user — you wouldn't be the first, and she'll meet each accusation head-on with candied, condescending laughter.

To be authentic leaves you kitten-like — a mewling, helpless thing, fatally dependent on the warmth of those around you. Too weak to even open your eyes. Mikan has always known better than to be this way.

Her name means tangerine, just as she herself plays allegory to the fruit borne of her own mother's tireless effort to claw herself uphill; a girl from an agricultural town in rural Japan who, forced to abandon schooling at age fourteen and take over for her ailing father in the family's rice paddy, refused to accept condemnation to a life of farming or blue-collar mediocrity as a result.

Mikan's mother ran away to Tokyo before she had even turned eighteen, armed with nothing but a suitcase of threadbare clothes and three-quarters of a junior high school education, knowing all too well that life is not a meritocracy, yet vowing to make something of herself just the same.

From there, it's a tale as old as time — years later, when a third pair of footsteps joined the middle-class existence she and her husband had toiled endlessly to carve out for themselves, Mikan's mother had long since decided that her daughter's life would be the one she had always deserved to live; Mikan would not be permitted to languish in the ways that circumstance had so cruelly forced upon her mother, once upon a time.

It should go without saying that this is perhaps not the best way to raise a daughter. Though Mikan never doubted her parents' love for her, neither could she go even a moment without the weight of her mother's world bearing down on her shoulders.

With each hurdle she faced, the stakes were amplified twofold; cram school, college exams, career fairs — Mikan stuck the landing for both herself and her mother each time and never slowed down to allow her body to shake from the impact. Six years of running track and field for the sake of her extracurricular transcript had very quickly taught Mikan that to slow down, to rest for even a moment, is a death knell.

You push on, no matter what — you put one foot in front of the other as many times as it takes, and you never give yourself the chance to realize how tired you truly are.


She started listening to a few visual kei bands recently. Currently has a celebrity crush on Masato, a session guitarist for one of the artists under Tiger Lily Records.

Outside of work, she moonlights as a decently popular ASMR streamer under the alias "kankan-chan".

She has two pet cats named Sota and Koro.

Her favorite food is oden, and her favorite dessert is soufflé pancakes.

Her main hobby is collecting things — cosmetics, stationary, Masato cheki, mechanical keyboards, etc.



Layer%202.png Megumi
OMG Megumi-chan, do you seriously still use a flip phone? I think the only people who do that these days are, like, drug dealers.

Megumi and Mikan's relationship could be summed up as a "workplace rivalry" if you're being charitable, but the term "psychological warfare" is a much more accurate description. Treating the office as their battleground, they're constantly on the lookout for any chance to sabotage and upstage each other. Nobody could necessarily say when or why Mikan first declared war on Megumi — or vice versa — but regardless of what sparked it, the fire is stoked unendingly by both of them being prideful, stubborn people who hate to lose.

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I don't mind lending you my Camcam magazines, Kama-chan, but please don't let your roommate scribble on them this time...

Social neurosis and violent tendencies seem to be a running theme in this family — though Mikan is as clueless about her cousin's true nature as anyone else. Mikan never paid much attention to her growing up, but they began talking more once Kama suddenly developed an interest in fashion and makeup.

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Representative director-san, good morning! Would you like me to fetch you some coffee? Ah, and I couldn't help noticing that your secretary hasn't shown up in a few days...?

Mikan's boss at Tiger Lily Records. Despite the open secret that he has a bad habit of dating his secretaries and firing them when he gets bored, Mikan is gunning for the position solely because she wants the prestige and the salary increase — she really couldn't give less of a shit about Issei as a person.

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KYAAAA did u guys see the pics from last nights live????? MARRY ME MASATO!!!!!!! ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ ノ♡

Though she'd previously sworn off celebrity crushes after an... incident during her first year of university, Mikan couldn't help becoming spellbound by Masato after a chance encounter outside of Issei's office. She keeps a cheki of Masato in her phone case and fangirls over him online, to the point of sometimes getting into altercations with other devoted fans over him.

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Well, I can afford to support Masato-nyan all I want, 'cause I'm not making minimum wage... unlike some people, hehe!

One of the aforementioned "devoted fans" of Masato, though in Akemi's case, that's putting it lightly. She and Mikan usually snipe at each other on forums and messageboards, but have also gotten into a handful of physical altercations at live shows.
