Lucius Deadwick



29 days, 54 minutes ago


"Clean it up for me then, if you care so much."
Lucius Deadwick



October 14th




Normal human ways



Since childhood, Lucius has been rather apathetic and openly uncaring for others - even those of his own family. His true nature is to be callous, blunt-speaking, and intimidating when with those that know him truly - such as Nan, Snow, Lavender, and Draven. He learned to be this way from the rather neglected youth where it had been him and his brother versus the world.

Too young to know the true extent of his own emotions other than hurt and being hopeless and lost, Lucius soon began taking his frustrations out on the people tasked to watch them when one too many of their staff chose to treat them like garbage since their own parents never saw them outside the short meetings for their academia.

He learned to craft a persona that was easily intimidated, soft speaking, and never able to look others in the eyes because it would lower peoples' guards to him and leave them open for him to take advantage of - whether to manipulate or kill was always dependent on the person. It was this tactic that made it possible for him to kill anyone who was hired into the family to watch him and his brother, gleaning a sick satisfaction from knowing that despite his young age and perceived weakness, he could be stronger than the adults that should have been protecting them.

Throughout the years of growing up together, Lucius also took advantage of the fact that Draven would clean up every mess he made. He began to take his brother for granted and just assumed Draven would be there at his beck and call; Draven never proved him wrong.

After choosing to study abroad and be independent for a while, Lucius got into contact with a man by the name of Victor Von Ghost whom he realized was very likeminded to him about the lives of others and their usefulness. Together, the two wholeheartedly poured their everything into Victor's research to create a cure-all vessel built on the suffering of his 'missing' patients.

When their research met a head, Lucius became greedy and killed Victor in a violent act of 'self defense' (as he proclaimed to Draven) in order to steal what he could of the research information and flee the country.

Unfortunately, Lucius's tomfoolery did not stop there. When he returned home with Draven, he became head of the household and once again took advantage of his brother's love and kindness in order to get his way. They established an unstable peace within the home while Lucy settled into a new mortician's role in their hometown. Not realizing that his old research partner was cursed and had come hunting him down to kill him.

After his death, he showed little care that Draven had given up part of his life force for his little brother, assuming it was only a given that he should. Lucius continued his work as a mortician and being domineering despite Draven being the eldest, quick to resume his unreasonable behavior and becoming a killer part-time.

  • Cooking
  • Dark colors
  • Cold, foggy weather
  • Books on medicine
  • Tea
  • Crowds, crowded places, or tight spaces
  • Being near or touched by strangers
  • Most animals
  • When Draven doesn't listen
  • Just like Draven, Lucius's eyes are sensitive to bright lights. The reason is currently unknown.
  • Their family manor is haunted by the multiple ghosts of everyone Lucius has killed throughout his life.
  • The grandfather clock in their house only chimes at 3am, announcing the hour in which the spirits within the house have free reign and can cause the most havoc.
  • Works in the morgue connected to his brother's clinic.
Draven Deadwick Older Brother

The only person who has ever stuck by Lucy's side no matter what he's done. Lucius keeps him around because he's useful in cleaning up messes, and there's a silent sentiment within him of care for Draven.

Name Relationship

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