


1 month, 8 days ago


- Under Construction -

Bubblegum is an infernal entity of the domain of gluttony, a distant descendant of the Lord of Flies. Like many of her kin nowadays she was born and raised in the mortal plane.

She left her hometown with little to nothing to her name and funds her lifestyle by any means she can currently get her paws on, be it labour or magic.
Specifically, her infernal magic is mostly concentrated within a blood-red liquid secreted from her venomous teeth. It can have a variety of different effects of her and her clients’ choosing, most often used as an intense aphrodisiac or as a party drug, both of which are technically illegal to supply.

Despite her soft looks Bubblegum is actually quite rough around the edges and she came to the city to seek the thrills in life - parties, alcohol, drugs. Most of the time though, she leads a relatively relaxed life, working only when she has to to make ends meet and otherwise spending time out with friends or surrounding herself with pretty pink furniture and all sorts of knick-knacks.