


1 month, 8 days ago


Pete is one of the villains. A long time ago, he lived with Apatch, after leaving his flock for him, even if they were accepting him as a horned Lepidenna. He was dedicated to his lonely mate, but also met El, a very weird Lepidenna. After a while, he started to trust him, as his empathetic heart understood his pain... but Apatch didn't follow. Not understanding why his mate was wary, El started to intoxicated his thoughts.

One stormy night, as Pete was coming back from visiting his old flock, he confronted Apatch right here and there. Ensued a violent fight between the two, as Pete didn't want to let down El and being disappointed in his mate, not seeing the smoke El poured into his mind. The battle was bright and both were deeply harmed ; Pete fell back in the Underworld as dead, and Apatch went back home, grieving.

But El had magic under his sleeve, and used Pete's body as a puppet ; Pete's mind is barely the ghost of who he used to be, and can barely speak a word. He's not himself, just a zombie in pain. The magic holding him up is in the mask.