


5 years, 7 months ago


i love them so fuc kING MUCH aaAH

-King of Hell, sadly wont be introduced till the HellFire Arc
-Luciel was banished to live down in the pits of the Earth's crust after turning his back on The Royal Kingdom in Heaven
-he was made a spectacle and an example before 'The Great Fall', his wings were burned and ripped off for all to see before he ungracefully fell
-from there his features changed, the curse that was placed onto him for this treachery
-he was no longer to look like an angel, and his lifeline would suffer the curse as well, growing all kinds of odd extremities (tails/horns/strange eye colors/multiple eyes) that of which we now know to be demons
-he now rules over his Kingdom as best as one can being put into that situation, he's lived

-very serious and self-sacrificing on the surface, a goofball and confused dad deep down
-since he used to be so much more carefree as an angel all of the responbilities have hardened him and made him somewhat bitter
-it takes a toll running a whole civilization that basically almost started from nothing. (which is another story to tell, as he wasnt the first down in hell. banished souls and the like were already there but he just rose his way to the top to gain control and try to find some form of order) but anyway

-back when he was an angel he could be seen everywhere with Raphael and Uriel, dragging the two of them along
-where Raph had his goofiness and brawns, and Uri his booksmarts and planning, Luci was somewhat of a mix of the two; wiseness and goofiness to spare all around
-all of them were equally smart (though Raphael just preferred to hide his knowledge and feign silliness around most. Luciel was not most.)
-Uriel used to date Michael, the head of Heaven's Royal Army and one of the strongest Captains recorded in their history
-it was a relationship full of surprisingly tender moments, stolen kisses before work, excitable lunch visits to one another and long nights spent on a balcony somewhere discussing the future:- worries, fears, anxieties, hopes, dreams etc. But the divide came only whent he situation with Raphael happened, which, was a devastatingly sad split for the both of them

-now has three young children called Demian, Regis and Demora, who he VERY much overly dotes on. Theyre pretty much his last lifeline (especially before meeting Theo)
-the kids, despite being spoiled, despise the coddling a bit and are always interrupting his meetings and getting into trouble because they want to leave the Palace more and explore
-that makes him the equivalent of like.... Spirit Albarn in that sense... overdoting on a kid that cant stand it

-feels like hes only every been betrayed by those close to him sadly (Raphael is no longer with him, Uriel abandoned and betrayed him, and his lover Mikhael begrudgingly almost killed him so hes just like ?????????)

facts about him:
-he melted his crown down and shared it equally with his children. All of their gold accessories are made from his crown bcuz he loves them that much.