


5 years, 9 months ago


Remiel is just a little shit deep down.
Archangel Remiel is biblically known as the 'Angel of Hope' but tbh he's the exact opposite.

He's somewhere in his late 20s, like a solid 28 in human years
-is the second in command of The Syndicate

-very very smart and cunning.
-he can talk circles around you if he really wanted to, and loves getting into debates with people
-but usually he prefers to stay quiet and just... watch.... observe everyone else at play
-always operating like he has everything under control, like the world revolves around him, and he truly believes that it does
-not necessarily a kind person, but he has his moments
-its very rare to not see him smiling smugly.

and here's some other biblical stuff I have to assort into his character, but in like, a more twisted way:

In the Book of Enoch, he is identified as one of the seven archangels who stands closest to God. He is also said to guide souls into heaven and is one of the angels that God is most likely to send to beings in distress. His name roughly translates as meaning, 'God's mercy'

When Remiel is near you, you are like to hear the rumble of distant thunder. He is a very powerful angel, so call upon him only if you are serious about making big changes in your life.