Alekshashka Pylypow's Comments

The spring season of 1869 brought pleasant weather, and pleasant weather brought pleasant traveling conditions. Robert and Charles had invited Sasha over to spend a few weeks with them in Chicago, and if his travels had gone smoothly, the two estimated that he would he here in the next few hours or days. 

Charles was still spending his afternoon away at work.

Robert, on the other hand, during a calm morning at his bakery, had prepared a plate of kolaczki. He set them out on the dining room table upstairs in the living quarters, then began to make his way back to the store.

(brain forgot to brain)

    Alekshashka strode cheerfully through the streets, a large grin plastered to his face as he donned a ridiculously large hat he‘d obtained at a local store- scouring the street for the proper bakery.

    Sure, the locals probably thought he looked like a fool- or, well, a tourist- but well, he was! 


    He let out a happy gasp upon spotting the sign- dashing right across the street, and in front of a horse-drawn cart (much to the driver’s annoyance)- throwing the door open as he announced triumphantly “Я ТУТ!”


Robert paused in his step as he heard the door swing open, for a brief second thinking someone was about to commit a crime in broad daylight, before he heard the loud exclamation of “I’m here!” in Ukrainian. He hurried down the stairs, calling, “Będę tam za chwilę!” before he opened the back door. “Alekshaska!” he exclaimed, running to the shop entrance to meet him, “Dzień dobry!”

    “It’s been so long! How’s it going with you two- oooh is something ba- oh right! Guess what I brought!- well, not all the way from Canada of course, it’d be old- but- yeah!” Sasha placed a basket down on the counter. 

“Babka?“ Robert guessed with an excited grin, peering at the basket. “Karol will be more than pleased to have your babka again—he complains about mine. He says... well, you know him. Always finding something to criticize… But.” He clapped his hands together. “Here. What am I saying— come in to the house!“ He moved back towards the back. “Bring your babka; I have kolaczki in the dining room table upstairs.”

*cliff racer noises*

“Y’know, I could always teach you the recipe sometime! I doubt my great-grandma will rise from the grave anytime soon to scold me for ‘giving away the family secrets’- although, from the stories I’ve heard, she’d definitely do that- sorry! I’m rambling again! Of course! How’s Charles doing anyways?”

5 Replies

boop ^v^

AYO ANOTHER CIVIL WAR OC  *gobbles them up* 

You have civil war ocs too? :0 (his whole folder apart from teela fought hehe- and everyone except for sasha and clarence immigrated across the oregon trail)

I do!! The story's not super developed but I already have so much lore for them (in my head lol) I also have ancestors who fought on both sides of the Civil War. My Grandparent's house had certificates from both the Union and Confederate armies.

That’s pretty much the state of all my stories lol- and I keep forgetting pretty much nobody knows about my lads lol

Apart from that great (x idek anymore) uncle, tbh I’m not sure if any other of my ancestors fought- sure my dad was from Rhode Island, but his grandma and grandpa were german refugees (although I do have an ancestor who signed the Tennessee constitution on his side of the family so who knows 🤔)

Super cool! I have a book that details my family's history on my Mom's side all the way back to the 1600s (and further but it's not conclusive beyond that) There are some pretty wild stories in there. Like how one of them was ambivalent towards the war until the Confederate officers threatened to hang his wife and kids if he didn't join. He then ran off to join the Union army lol. (Or something like that). I also have a Great Uncle who survived the Bataan death march. (and then there's me who's useless and just draws sometimes lol) 

  The two goober's story is based near where I grew up (battle of Franklin) and one really dope graphic novel about it lol 

Oh cool! My family sort of has a book like that? Or at least, its about one side of the family immigrating here (HELP WE LITERALLY HAVES HUNDREDS OF TARTANS MY FAMILY IS TOO BIGGGG)- but there’s loads about us during wwII (as pretty much every town in the area joined up). 

But I mean, my uncle literally spending months hiking down to join the union was really darn- well, I wish I had the mental capacity to do more then pick up random snakes in my yard lol.


2 Replies

Damn, how to draw people so good :'0 /pos


fhsdifudu 😭😭😭

he seems literally awesome :0000000000





I just realized—did we both base these characters on our ancestors’ respective ethnicities?? (Robert-wise, my great-grandmother was from Poland :D) /gen /pos

Wait really lol- he’s directly based on one of my great great (so on and so forth) uncles- who was a Ukrainian Canadian immigrant who strolled all the way down to the states to fight for the union hehe

Yeah I guess so, my great-grandmother came to the US from Poland when she was a young girl (I think? I just remember it was before WWII). Your ancestor sounds super neat, do you know what state/regiment he was with?

I’m not sure tbh, I’ve been trying to scour through the family records, but that’s pretty much all I have so far 😅

Bro was just like "hey they have a war down there?? Can i join too???" 🙂

And off he went lol

(caps) WAIT THAT MIGHT SOUND WEIRD I just realized- maybe it was in the 20s ig idk lol but 😃