Kiara Gili



26 days, 2 hours ago


Kiara Gili



21 | Female | She/Her

The energetic and goofy person of the group. Kiara loves to put a smile on everyone's face with a magic show. Ever since the Orginal Creator left Kiara spends her time making sure everyone's spirits are up. When Blyde isn't busy Kiara helps him plan parties.

The Magic Bash

The Magic Bash is the story Kiara originates from. She is one of the two protagonists that play a role in this story. After getting an opportunity to perform her magic at a higher level Kiara jumped at the chance. While it was fun to go through this opportunity at first it started to burn her out. Her busy life made it difficult to talk to Blyde which lead to the worst day of her life.



Blyde and Kiara were very well-known people in the party world. Blyde being an amazing party coordinator and Kiara being an excellent magician. The only thing more known than their talents was their friendship with each other. One day Kiara was given an opportunity to perform her magic on the stage rather than in parties. Excited for this new opportunity Kiara would leave being a party magician. All of it was exciting when she first came. As time passed the performances ate up her time leaving no opportunity for her to talk to Blyde. When one day Kiara finally got to talk to Blyde he snapped at her causing her to distance herself away from him. This lifestyle started to burn Kiara out. Longing for her old life with Blyde she visited a party Blyde was hosting only to find people screaming and the bulding on fire. Kiara watched in horror as the building broke down under its own weight leaving only rubble. Kiara desperately searched for her best friend, but to no avail.

Current Day

After Blyde became the de facto leader they put Kiara in charge of keeping everyone's spirits up. Kiara happily took up the task as she loved to cheer people up. However in the recent days it's been getting more difficult to keep everyone's spirits up as the threat of anyone's ending becoming reality could happen at any moment. However with Kader's help she hopes that everything will turn out alright.

Kader's Thoughts

"Kiara... Sorry I just got nostalgic for a moment. I remember when I made her. Oh yeah I created Kiara. Kiara and Blyde were two ocs me and Fausta made together and they were made to be a duo. Then Fausta started to make stories and she kinda just took Kiara to put into her story. Fausta did end up using Kiara more, so I don't mind her claiming Kiara to be her character. It's pretty cool to see your own creation alive and stuff. Though I'm a little worried. Kiara looks tired. Maybe she needs a break?"



  • Jewelry
  • Big meals
  • Tinkets
  • Loud Music
  • Pranks


  • Hard foods
  • Wine
  • Fake gold
  • Whipped cream
  • Masks


  • Even though Blyde hates being eaten like cake Kiara often likes to cut Blyde's arm whenever its her birthday. Blyde mainly doesn't mind.
  • Kiara loves to play harmless pranks on the other characters (With the exception of Eran and Pudding).
  • Kiara's main form of magic is summoning fireworks though she does know a lot of other magic tricks.
  • When Kiara is nervous she hums to herself.
  • Kiara can turn into a mermaid. She usually uses this form whenever she's performing. She also has a giant martini glass she stays in whenever in her mermaid form. (There's a version of this on my Artfight, but it's outdated. I plan to update this whenever I feel like redesigning it.)

Other Info

  • Birthday May 1
  • Orientation Aroace
  • Species Mermaid




Design Notes

  • Any mermaid features (faded hand tips and ears) are not optional.
  • The conch is optional unless she is using her magic.


Blyde Finch

Best Friend

Kiara's best friend. These two have been through thick and thin. Despite being aware of what happens in their story both of them agree they won't let that happen to them. Both of them make sure to communicate as much as they can to make sure they will not follow their ending. With how hetic the last few months have been on everyone Kiara worries for her best friend. Sometimes she thinks Blyde is overworking himself. One day when everything is solved Kiara plans to throw the biggest party for Blyde.

Emma Dole


Emma herself is a fine person. Kiara has always admired Emma for her serene demeanor and lackadaisical outlook. However with her association with Amaris makes her worry. She can't help but worry there might be more than the eye meets between the two.

Cressida Euthalia


In the recent months Cressida hasn't been acting like herself. To help with this Kiara gives extra care to Cressida hoping to cheer her up back to her former self. Kiara doesn't want to admit this to herself, but she thinks Cressida is about to follow her book's fate.

Amaris Alatune


Ever since Blyde has decided to turn to Amaris for leadership advice Kiara can't help but feel like something fishy is going on. Amaris has always been one to never crack under pressure even under death, but she feels like Amaris knows something everyone else doesn't. How could she trust someone who is willing to hide something important to the group?