Emma Dole



25 days, 18 hours ago


Emma Dole



100+ | Female | She/Her

A vampire doll with a laidback attidue. Emma follows her own whims not really caring what others think. This doll likes to believe the best in everyone. Ever since the Original Creator left Emma finds that she has a lot more free time on her hands.

The Lonely Vampire and The Moon

The Lonely Vampire and The Moon is the story Emma orginates from. She is the deuteragonist of this story. When a lonely vampire doll wished on a star she didn't expect to get anything in return. When a stange moon person appeared in her tower she didn't expect to see them so intrigued with her. Times were wonderful with this person until her body grew weak.



Emma was a doll that became alive through her own determination. She lived in a tower that had no exit. Although she was very lonely she would find many ways to pass the time. Her favorite way to pass the time was to talk to the moon. One day Emma made a wish to the moon that she would be able to find a friend. The moon answered and the next day a strange person named Amaris appeared in her tower. Emma was overjoyed to have someone she could spend time with. As she spent more time with Amaris she could feel herself start to slowly fall in love with them. However, as the days went by Emma could feel her body growing weak. Her own body grow stiffer and stiffer. Until one day Emma couldn't move leaving her to turn back into a doll

Current Day

While everyone was worried over the recent issues of their endings becoming reality Emma hasn't changed her demanor. She goes on her life as if nothing bad is happening. Maybe it's a coping mechanism. Maybe she genuinely doesn't understand how dire the situation is. No one isn't sure.

Kader's Thoughts

"I think I remember Fausta creating this character. It's interesting to see that she didn't change Emma's design that much. I don't blame her I remember Emma has one of my favorite designs. Though reading her story makes me a little worried. I know Blyde said I'm supposed to change everyone's endings and stuff, but how am I supposed to change Emma's fate? The story doesn't even say why she turns back into a doll. Ugh... I guess I'll figure it out somehow."



  • The moon
  • Making dolls
  • Naps
  • Moles (So cute!!)
  • Abandonded places


  • Sunlight
  • Broken dolls/plushies
  • Stains
  • Gophers (Evil...)
  • High winds


  • Emma is specifically a doll that looks like a vampire, so things such as garlic and sunlight won't kill her. However this means she doesn't have any abilities a vampire would have such as turning into a bat.
  • Emma has a pet mole named Nono.
  • Emma's favorite pastime is making different animal dolls for Amaris.
  • Emma Dole is supposed to sound like I'm a doll (Haha get it because she's a doll).
  • Emma has the most uncanny ability to nap where ever she feels like if she feels like it. Even if the place would be uncomfortable for most.

Other Info

  • Birthday August 4
  • Orientation Bisexual
  • Species Doll




Design Notes

  • The Xs in Emma's eyes are not optional


Amaris Alalune


Emma's dear joyfriend. She loves to shower them with affection as much as she can. Emma loves to be near Amaris whenever they aren't busy. Emma has noticed how tired Amaris has been recently so Emma makes sure that they aren't pushing themselves too hard via forcing them to take a break. However Emma notices that they've been keeping something secret ever since the Original Creator left. She isn't too worried because she believes that Amaris will tell her whenever they feel ready.

Kiara Gili


Emma has always enjoyed Kiara's attempts to cheer everyone up. She's always been a fan of Kiara's magic tricks and she sometimes likes to join Kiara for a good prank, especially if it's on Amaris. Though she has noticed that Kiara seems to be more gaurded towards her in the recent months. Emma isn't too worried about it as she believes that Kiara is probably going to play a prank on her.

Pudding Cerie


A good friend of Emma. Emma sees Pudding as a younger sister with the way Pudding clamors to her for help. Emma is always willing to help her with anything. She thinks it's adorable that Pudding tries to follow in her footsteps. Emma does find it curious that Pudding's recent questions are concerning Alora.

Blyde Finch


Emma has always considered Blyde a good friend, but Emma has been a little worried about Blyde recently. She notices how Blyde seems really on edge. Like a lot more than usual. Emma isn't one to assume things, but she feels like it's related to the secret Amaris is hiding from her. She'd hate to think Blyde is doing something bad, but something is off.