

1 month, 12 days ago




NAME Covenant Blaire
AGE ???

❝i fucked your dad ❞

backstory being redone


  • fucking
  • Heavy Metal/Rock
  • horror games
  • Horror Movies

  • cults
  • Fucking
  • being alive


D.O.B 03/09/???
ROLE reaper
SONG content
VOICE content


  • SYTH

  • LOL


✘ ✘ ✘ ✘


EYES Lime green with white skulls
HAIR COLOR/STYLE black with white highlight
BUILD content
FULL REF content


✘ Coven is one lanky ass motherfucker. He is creepily tall ✘His hair was an accident but he loved it so much he just didn’t change it.✘ He has a lot of piercings mostly on his face but i feel like he would be one of those guys to pierce his nipples for shits and giggles. ✘he likes the warmth of others



“We are born from blood and we die from blood.” It was the phrase Coven had heard all of his life from his family. As a child his normal was watching his parents and family members spill blood from some unknown animal that had the misfortune to cross paths with them. It was a rule in his family that the children were never allowed to participate. At least, it was what they had told him but he knew something was strange as he had seen his younger cousins participate in the rituals as he onlooked from the attic window. The countless séance’s they would hold in the forest away from his watchful eyes. He would ask questions about why he couldn’t go with them as his parents wash the blood from their hands. The two would exchange a look with knowing smiles as his mother caresses his hair with that warm smile only a mother can give. “You are special my dear. That is why you can’t go yet. You’ll be ready one day to join us my sweet.” She gives a gentle kiss to his head and that was the end of the discussion. Coven had attempted as he grew with age to follow them and watch, but he always ended up losing them on the trail to where they go. Always making his way back home empty handed as he went back to his room. It would be one day when he was getting his college books ready for his online semester when his mother knocks on the door with a serene smile on her face. She held up a cloak and a gentle laugh came from her. “It’s a full moon today, Coven. I believe you’re ready.” His eyes widen in delight as he grabs the cloak from her hands. The excitement brimming throughout his body as he was told to wear his best clothes. In the body length mirror he buttoned up his white shirt. He felt a surge of hope that he would finally be included in with what his family did during those secret nights. Along the chilly path that night, not even the lower temperatures could deter the excitement as they walk down the trail; it was to his surprise to see that they turn away from the lit path and held up lanturns to a hidden trail. It was no wonder that he wasn’t able to find them as they got to the end of the path and began to hang the lanturns on the branches of the trees. The dim light showed a cleared circular space where the remnants of past sacrifices were made. Coven was suddenly hit with a wave of anxiety as he never had participated in any of the rituals or even was allowed to practice for them. He looked towards his mother for reassurance who gave a gentle smile as she walks over and lowered his hood. “You are special my dearest Coven. Stand in the circle that will be drawn, we shall convene with Them soon.” The swell of pride in his chest as his mother calling him special gave him hope of now being included into all of the future family events. It was his uncle who he believes had poured a strange thick purple liquid into a small bowl. His family members all surround him as his mother walks up to him. “On your knees my sweet Coven. You must drink this or else we can’t continue.” She says with her smile causing her eyes to crinkle. Coven returned her smile as he rested on his knees looking up at her. The family members all began to softly speak in the incantation tongue; one he wasn’t permitted to learn until he was deemed ready. He felt excitement bubble in his chest as the bowl was placed into his hands. He was instructed to drink every drop of the strange sweet-smelling liquid. He held the bowl to his lips and tilted his head back as he began to drink every drop of it. It was thick as if he was drinking blood, it coated his mouth, tongue, and throat until the final drop passed through his lips. The bowl was then taken from his hands as his mother stepped back. At first Coven felt nothing as he looked to all of his family members who continued their soft chanting with their hands held up to the dark sky; not a single star blinked down at them and the moon’s comforting light wasn’t present. A tingling was felt throughout his body as his head and arms began to feel heavy. A panicked look came across his face as he fell back as he realized he couldn’t move a single part of his body. His eyes flicker and glance at the cloaked family members who had felt comforting and safe at first but now began to feel like dark sinister beings as their hands entered their cloaks. His mother stood next to him with her warm smile gone. Her eyes held no trace of that familiar motherly love as she adjusts Coven’s limp body to be in the form of a cross. Coven’s eyes welled in tears as the panic inside of him rose to the point that his heart was pounding seemingly in his throat. He couldn’t speak or move as he could only watch as the ones who he called family, bring out long knives from their cloaks and step closer to him. He attempted all he could to speak; to beg for them to stop what they were doing. He wanted no part in what this was anymore. He just wanted to go back to the safety of his room. Was this just a trick to teach him not to mess with family matters that don’t involve him? The only thing that came out was a guttural choke as the tears fall down the sides of his face. He couldn’t tell who did it first, but the pain was in his abdomen at first. The sound of his flesh being cut and the gurgling sound of blood pouring from the wound was sickening to his ears. He wanted to scream but he remained still as all that he could do was only scream in his mind and cry. His arms, legs, and chest repeatedly felt the ripping of his skin and muscle being torn. The pop of veins spilling his precious blood and feeling the agony of the blades cracking his bones. His vision became a haze of tears and blood as he felt the carving around his heart by his uncle who had studied to become a cardiovascular surgeon; no doubt to prepare for this moment. His teary eyes saw through the haze that his mother looking at him, he sought any sort of comfort from her. Any sense of guilt that he was being killed by their hands, but all he saw was the gleam of malice and the warm smile replaced by sadism. His body began to grow cold as his eyes lost the gleam of beautiful life within them as his heart was torn from his body. Coven felt as if he was floating but he couldn’t open his eyes. He felt nothing, not even pain. He could only feel inside of the cavity where his nonexistent heart used to be and the pain of deception from his family. How he wished he could curl up and cry from the sorrow he felt. He just wanted to be united with his family and be a part of the things they did; why did they do this to him? His mother’s love turned out to be a lie as she likely only had him to sacrifice him. He wanted to scream out of grief from the loss of innocence and naivety he had. In the wallowing of his grief, he didn’t sense a presence that was behind him until he felt a pair of hands hold his head as he snapped awake from his thoughts. The hands were cold to the touch and even felt boney, but it was almost soothing to the touch rather than a bothersome chill. “Oh dear…it seems to me that you were culled before your time. Open your eyes child.” A soft disembodied voice spoke. They sounded as if multiple people were speaking at once. Coven had found himself suddenly with the ability of being able to open his eyes and to his surprise; he was now laying in a bed in a beige room with only a chair at the foot of it, sitting there was a cloaked figure. Four skeletal hands rested in their lap and from what Coven could see, their face was partially hidden from their hood. The person had thin white lips along with a face almost as if it was made of porcelain from how white they were. Coven sits up from the bed with a look of confusion as he looks around and down at himself. His shirt was nearly fully red from the dried blood of the stabbings and the cavity where his heart used to be. His face became pallor in horror as his hands shakingly touch where his heart had used to be. The figure said nothing as Coven explored his mangled body with sobs of grief tearing from his throat. All the emotional turmoil he had and pent-up desire of crying when he was floating began to let loose. He held himself as his sobs wrack through his body and for an undetermined amount of time wept for all that had happened. When he finally looks up the figure was waiting patiently for when Coven had calmed down to speak. “Who are you?” His voice rasps out weakly, the sobs and shuddering gasps left his throat aching. The figure didn’t say anything at first as they held their four hands together. “I am Death.” They say with a lilt in their voice and their head tilts to the side. “I am the Guardian of the Souls who have passed on from mortal planes.” They stood up from the chair and walks over to Coven and even with the close proximity Death was at, Coven couldn’t see their face but rather the long white hair that seemed to frame their face that appeared to be a blank canvas. “You were culled from the mortal plane before your time because of a mistranslated ritual. Immortality is given to you through Me. You shall become one of My reapers.” They sit on the bed and then lowers their hood. Coven couldn’t help but gasp seeing the eyes of Death. They were beautiful with large eyes almost seemingly full of life. A rainbow of colors in them as they smile gently towards Coven causing their eyes to crinkle as they then extend their hand to him. “Come Coven, much work has to be done.” Their voice molds into one of comfort and a scene comes to mind for Coven. A rippling brook as he played in the water looking for rocks to collect, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the beauty of the large trees shielding him from the sun. He felt comforted by Death as he took their hand and slowly got up from the bed with them following suit. They held his hand as the room molds into a stairway going up to a bright light and there, he was given his own scythe by Death and told what his responsibilities were. He was then sent to Earth to collect the souls of those who passed on. Death had told him that because of the nature of what Coven is now. He has the ability to alter small changes to reality to allow him to blend into human society once more. He breathes in as he stood in front of a college and closed his eyes as he willed the change to be included into a life that was stolen from him. A small smile appears on his lips as he walks onto campus, sensing that Death was near for some who were present. It would be a few years after the events of Coven’s death. He had gotten the hand of being a reaper on Earth. He would sense the times of people who were about to die. It was hard at first to be waiting for those who were going to die suddenly. Their life taken so abruptly when they had so many dreams and desires yet to be completed and never will be. It is now second nature to him when he senses that someone is close to pass on. He would walk to where they were and watch the scene unfold; his abilities given to him by Death. It would show him how the person was going to die and he would use his scythe to sever the mortal bond of the soul to its body. Along the way to a frat party, he had caught wind of on campus, he felt someone close to passing on. He made his way to an apartment building and went into a spectral wisp as he entered an apartment. There he would find an old man who was lying in bed asleep soundly. Coven felt a pang in his chest as he watched the old man’s breathing slow down. It was bittersweet to see someone live to be old and gray; a privilege he wasn’t granted. Once his breathing stilled and his heart stopped beating. Coven watched as his soul emerges from the body. A serene expression of sleeping on his face, a beautiful way to pass on. Coven took his scythe out and with a gentle swipe, severed the soul’s tie to the body. He gently took the sleeping man’s soul and it formed into a soft ball of blue. Coven let out a small smile as he looks at the soul, a sign that the old man had led a good life. He gently places the soul where his heart would be. A safe place for the souls he would collect until he returned to Death’s realm to deposit the souls he collected. He gently tucks in the old man’s body as a part of his blanket had fallen to the side of the bed and nodded in approval before leaving to make his way back to the party. His job done for the night. At the party, he was leaning against the wall holding a red solo cup full of cheap beer that didn’t even really taste good since the sole purpose of these parties were to get drunk, have fun, and fuck. In Coven’s case he was here to fuck. His eyes look across the room until he saw another loner. A shy looking man was just on his own watching the party goers. He had shaggy black hair that almost covered his eyes but Coven could tell he wasn’t comfortable being alone so Coven decided to give him some company. As he got closer, he could see the head of the man lift up and he saw a lovely pair of shy blue eyes glance at him before looking away as Coven walked up. He learned his name and sweet whispers were made into his ear. The burn of desire filled the two until they snuck away to a room where they would be left to their own devices. The man’s name was Sam as he sat on the edge of the bed with his pants pooled to his ankles and moaning with quivers as Coven ran his tongue along his erect dick. Sam’s cock twitched and throbbed under Coven’s touch, and it was so warm in his hands. This was what Coven loved about fucking; the warmth it gave him. It made him feel so alive. When Sam came into his mouth and he felt the long warm white ropes go down as he swallowed, enjoying the feeling of the warmth seemingly spreading throughout his body, with ease he slides up and pushes Sam’s chest so he was laying down. In mere seconds, Coven himself was nude before Sam and had grinded against Sam’s cock. Sam’s eyes peered over Coven’s body and looked at all the scars that riddled his body. Even though Coven’s body was healed; the scars of his death remained as a painful memory of what happened to him. Sam’s mouth opened to what Coven didn’t even have to hear to know that Sam was going to ask what happened. Coven kisses Sam to avoid him asking the question as Coven slides down on the shy man’s dick. The two moaned into each other’s lips as they grip onto each other. Coven’s hips roll as he slides up and down Sam’s cock. The man beneath Coven moaning and whimpering with deep shudders that ripple throughout his body. Coven held onto Sam, feeling the warmth of the blood that pumps through him. His own cold body relished the feel of the warmth of life as Sam held onto Coven’s hips and eagerly thrusted into him. Coven couldn’t help himself really, the best way for him to feel so close to being alive and warm again was through sex. He threw himself into the carnal pleasure and desire that is lust. The best part was when they cum; he could almost feel his entire body become warm from the cum filling inside of him. His eyes flutter close as he also came and white ropes of cum was on Sam’s chest; the high of the pleasure allowing him to forget what he was, even if it was just for a moment. The panting was just barely heard from the roaring music coming from the party outside. Coven opens his eyes to the reality of his life after the afterglow of his orgasm left. He slides off of Sam who was nearly asleep after the ordeal which led Coven to suspect that Sam was new to all of this. Coven usually would use his abilities to wipe the memory of the event of the person he fucked but instead he just changed the face of the person. Someone who Sam would never be able to recall and never got the name of. Coven sighs as he walks out of the party. It would be a few weeks after the party where Coven was working at a local coffee shop. He wanted the sensation of normality in a way and Death themselves said that many other reapers do the same things. It helped Coven feel at ease as they lived a day-to-day life. However, it would be one day after a closing shift as he walked that he sensed a soul fluttering about in an alley. It was surprising to him that he didn’t catch that Death was so close but he really didn’t mind as it often happens. He was about to collect the soul when he heard soft chanting. His eyes go wide when he sensed the familiarity of it. Coven slowly began to turn to see a figure wearing a cloak and covered in blood. Their hood was lowered to reveal that it was one of his cousins. Coven’s entire body began to flare in phantom pain of the memories of that night. He had fallen to the ground scrambling to get away from seeing them. He was in his spectral form so he wasn’t visible to them but the tears ran down his cheeks as choked sobs broke free from his throat. He let out a guttural scream of the anguish he was feeling, he could feel the painful rasps in his throat as his vocal cords strained to voice his pain. Although, it was the sudden feeling of a weight being lifted off of his shoulders as he looked up through teary eyes that the souls he had been collecting began to leave and fade away. “No! No!” he shouts as he attempts to grab the souls that were leaving but with no success. His sobs echo through the alley but only to his ears as his cousin walked the other way from where they came from. Coven had failed in his task of what Death asked him to do. He wept like a child on the ground as guilt coursed through his body. He lied there for what seemed to be hours when he suddenly felt two hands on him. He opened his bloodshot eyes from crying to see Death looking down at him with a look of concern on their face. They gently helped Coven sit up as they sit on the ground with him, they opened their four arms for an invitation to a hug. Coven’s tears return as he hugs them tight and felt their arms hold him in a warm embrace. It felt comforting to him as he sobbed into their cloak as they rubbed their hands against his back. Once Coven’s tears had stopped Death pulled away and gently tucked some of Coven’s hair away from his face and gave a reassuring smile. “Don’t fret Coven. You can get those souls back but only after you have rested. There will be much more work but I believe in you dearest Coven.” They gave a gentle kiss on the top of Coven’s head before disappearing and Coven stood up and breathes in deeply as he nods. He would go after those souls, but first a night’s rest was needed.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus pretium erat a finibus. Aliquam dictum scelerisque velit quis bibendum. Nullam sed mi auctor, viverra elit laoreet, laoreet augue. Donec eget mollis tortor. Vestibulum pulvinar sagittis congue. Suspendisse consequat ut nibh quis feugiat. Proin quis eleifend enim, et semper mauris. Suspendisse potenti.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet diam in erat vulputate egestas id vel enim. Aliquam nec massa quis ligula dignissim interdum euismod non eros. Sed egestas vel ipsum et efficitur. Phasellus vitae quam diam. Curabitur arcu diam, pellentesque lobortis blandit facilisis, feugiat nec purus. Suspendisse vel hendrerit quam. Duis vulputate diam pretium viverra posuere.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet diam in erat vulputate egestas id vel enim. Aliquam nec massa quis ligula dignissim interdum euismod non eros. Sed egestas vel ipsum et efficitur. Phasellus vitae quam diam. Curabitur arcu diam, pellentesque lobortis blandit facilisis, feugiat nec purus. Suspendisse vel hendrerit quam. Duis vulputate diam pretium viverra posuere.
