


4 months, 14 days ago


His profile is a wip :)

"A quote goes here."



NAME Athol Steuart
AGE Nineteen
SPECIES Lynx-hybrid



Athol is a rugged individualist with a quick wit and a sharp tongue. He's a bit of an outcast, more comfortable in the wilderness than in the company of others. But despite his aloof demeanor, he has a good heart and a soft spot for those he considers close to him.

As a lynx hybrid, Athol has a strong connection to nature and a love of the outdoors. He's a skilled hunter and tracker, able to move silently through the forest without leaving a trace. He's also fiercely independent, relying on his own skills and resources to survive.

Despite his rough exterior, Athol has a deep love for his fellow cats and a strong sense of loyalty to them. He's fiercely protective of those he considers a part of his pack and will stop at nothing to defend them.

Athol also has a bit of a rebel streak, often bucking against societal norms and doing things his own way. He's a bit of a free spirit, with a tendency to wander off on his own and follow his instincts.

One of Athol's most distinctive traits is his habit of smoking. He's often seen with a cigarette dangling from his lips, and he's developed quite a taste for different brands and flavors over the years. He's not shy about his habit, enjoying the relaxation it brings him in moments of stress or introspection.

Overall, Athol is a complex character with a lot of depth. He's a bit of an enigma, with a mix of rough edges and hidden softness that makes him both intriguing and intimidating.



NAME Some info about it here.
NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
NAME Pellentesque suscipit leo ex, at gravida magna dignissim in.
NAME Suspendisse ligula leo, consequat vel nibh ac, semper pretium neque.


NAME Some info about it here.
NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
NAME Pellentesque suscipit leo ex, at gravida magna dignissim in.
NAME Suspendisse ligula leo, consequat vel nibh ac, semper pretium neque.



Athol's childhood was marked by his Scottish heritage and his love of the outdoors. Born to a family of lynxes who had lived in the Scottish wilderness for generations, Athol was steeped in his family's traditions and beliefs from a young age.

From the moment he became aware of his surroundings, Athol was eager to explore the great outdoors. He would spend hours wandering the forests and hillsides, following the trails of animals and studying the vegetation that surrounded him. As he grew older, his father taught him the art of tracking and hunting, passing on the skills that had been passed down through their family line for centuries. But Athol's childhood was not all play and no work. Like all members of his tribe, he was expected to contribute to the community and perform his duties as a lynx. From a young age, he was taught to respect the land and the creatures that lived on it, and to always be mindful of the impact he left on his surroundings. When Athol was just six years old, his father took him on his first hunting trip - a rite of passage for all young lynxes. The two of them spent five days stalking their quarry through the dense forests, finally bringing down a deer with a well-placed arrow. Athol was overjoyed by the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of providing food for his family, and he vowed to become an even more skilled hunter in the years to come. As Athol grew he became more independent and adventurous. He spent long hours exploring the forest on his own, pushing the boundaries of his territory and searching for new challenges and experiences. He was also a natural leader, taking charge of groups of younger lynxes and teaching them the skills he'd learned from his elders. But despite his love of the outdoors, Athol's life was not without its challenges. When he was just nine years old, his mother passed away from a sudden illness, leaving him and his father to navigate the wilderness on their own. The loss hit Athol hard, and he threw himself into his work, pouring all of his energy into hunting and tracking in order to distract himself from the pain. By the time Athol turned twelve, he was already a skilled tracker and hunter, with a deep understanding of the land and its inhabitants. He was also wise and self-sufficient, able to survive on his own in the wilderness for

Athol's teenage years were rife with new experiences and emotions that he wasn't quite ready for. As he entered his teens, his body went through a series of changes that left him feeling awkward and uncomfortable in his own skin. He also struggled with an increasing sense of isolation, feeling that he didn't quite fit in with the other lynxes in his tribe.

But one thing that never changed was Athol's love of the wilderness. He spent countless hours wandering the forests and hillsides, exploring the world around him and mastering his hunting and tracking skills. And it was during one of these hikes that he met Ebi, a human explorer who had ventured into the forest in search of adventure. Despite the cultural differences, the two of them hit it off immediately and became fast friends, bonding over their love of the outdoors and their shared curiosity. As Athol grew closer to Ebi, he found that he was drawn to the human's kind heart and sense of adventure. Ebi had a way of making him forget about his own doubts and insecurities, and for the first time in his life, Athol felt like he could truly be himself around someone. But as with all things, Athol's teenage years weren't all sunshine and roses. He often found himself struggling with feelings of anger and frustration, particularly when confronted with the harsh realities of the world outside of the forest. He also felt deeply isolated from the other lynxes in his tribe, often feeling like an outcast among his own people. In the midst of all these struggles, Athol turned to smoking as a coping mechanism, lighting up cigarettes whenever he felt overwhelmed or frustrated. It was a habit he picked up from watching Ebi, and one that he regretted as he grew older and came to understand the damage it caused to his body. Despite these struggles, Athol's teenage years were also a time of growth and self-discovery. He learned to accept himself for who he was - a hybrid lynx with a deep connection to the wilderness and a love for exploring the unknown. And with Ebi by his side, he had the courage to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that he had someone who would always be there to support him.

Athol's adulthood was marked by a new sense of purpose and direction. After spending his teenage years exploring the wilderness and searching for identity, he finally found his place in the world as a hybrid lynx who was deeply connected to the natural world.

One of the biggest changes in Athol's life at this time was his newfound relationship with Ebi, who had been his close friend since their first meeting in the forest. After years of friendship, the two finally confessed their feelings for each other and began dating. It was a rocky relationship at first, as they struggled to navigate the complexities of a cross-species relationship, but slowly, they began to build a strong foundation of trust and understanding that would carry them through the years to come. Another major change in Athol's life was his decision to leave his tribe and strike out on his own. He realized that there was a whole world outside of the forest, and he was eager to explore it and make his mark on the world. With Ebi by his side, he set out on a series of adventures that would take them to continents he had never even dreamed of. But despite all the excitement of new places and experiences, Athol never forgot his roots and his connection to the wilderness. In fact, he found that his love of the outdoors only intensified as he grew older and more comfortable in his own skin. Whether he and Ebi were camping in the wilderness or exploring the bustling streets of a major city, Athol always found a way to connect with the world around him and revel in the beauty of the natural world. As he approached his twenties, Athol found himself more and more drawn to the idea of helping others and making a positive impact on the world. He started volunteering at a local animal shelter, where he could use his love of animals and his tracking skills to make a real difference in the lives of the animals there. It was a rewarding experience, and one that gave him a greater sense of purpose and direction in life. In his adulthood, Athol's love of the outdoors and his connection to the wilderness remained a constant in his life. Whether he was hiking the mountains with Ebi or exploring the wilderness alone, he always found a way to connect with the natural world and revel in its beauty. And with Ebi by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring.


  • Trivia fact. This box will scroll! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Pellentesque suscipit leo ex, at gravida magna dignissim in.
  • Suspendisse ligula leo, consequat vel nibh ac, semper pretium neque.
  • Suspendisse vulputate erat ut mauris mollis bibendum.
  • Vivamus consequat nisl non diam elementum pellentesque sit amet sed risus.
  • Donec tempor augue at neque tristique cursus.


MBTI Information
ALIGNMENT Information
BIRTHDAY Information
HEIGHT Information
WEIGHT Information
ORIGIN Information
RESIDENCE Information



NAME Some info about it here.
NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
NAME Pellentesque suscipit leo ex, at gravida magna dignissim in.
NAME Suspendisse ligula leo, consequat vel nibh ac, semper pretium neque.


NAME Some info about it here.
NAME Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
NAME Pellentesque suscipit leo ex, at gravida magna dignissim in.
NAME Suspendisse ligula leo, consequat vel nibh ac, semper pretium neque.

//Design notes.

  • Design notes go here. This box will scroll! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Pellentesque suscipit leo ex, at gravida magna dignissim in.
  • Suspendisse ligula leo, consequat vel nibh ac, semper pretium neque.
  • Suspendisse vulputate erat ut mauris mollis bibendum.
  • Vivamus consequat nisl non diam elementum pellentesque sit amet sed risus.
  • Donec tempor augue at neque tristique cursus.




Put some lyrics here.
Phasellus in aliquam lectus.
Suspendisse at aliquet dolor.
Aenean eget nunc fringilla, dictum ante commodo.



Put some lyrics here.
Phasellus in aliquam lectus.
Suspendisse at aliquet dolor.
Aenean eget nunc fringilla, dictum ante commodo.





Sed in dolor quis nulla congue maximus. Fusce nec tellus ultrices, scelerisque sapien non, faucibus orci. Vestibulum quis lorem in enim iaculis suscipit a nec erat. Maecenas sed ipsum vel leo fermentum ultricies. Cras sit amet porta nulla, nec efficitur tortor.




Sed in dolor quis nulla congue maximus. Fusce nec tellus ultrices, scelerisque sapien non, faucibus orci. Vestibulum quis lorem in enim iaculis suscipit a nec erat. Maecenas sed ipsum vel leo fermentum ultricies. Cras sit amet porta nulla, nec efficitur tortor.




Sed in dolor quis nulla congue maximus. Fusce nec tellus ultrices, scelerisque sapien non, faucibus orci. Vestibulum quis lorem in enim iaculis suscipit a nec erat. Maecenas sed ipsum vel leo fermentum ultricies. Cras sit amet porta nulla, nec efficitur tortor.