Torriku Atsukaimasu's Comments

"Please, I am actually begging you this time: stop possessing the university students next door. Go after the salarymen in the office park or something."

One of students shrugged and folded her arms behind her head, the mask on her face almost taunting. "I can't help it!" Tori purred. "The kids like wearing the mask. I think they like the blackout feel. Besides, it's funny seeing some of their expressions when I make them miss a deadline. This one's got a dissertation due at midnight~"

(Not the midnight dissertation, hahaha.)


Yovanni took  in a deep breath, threw his head back, and let out in a deep groan.  ".... I can't keep babysitting these kids." He went quiet for a few  seconds and then shook their head. "I'm chalking this up as learning a  valuable lesson. I'll just write the professors and teach them the  importance of not talking to gods they don't know." He  then shot a glare to Torriku. "....Not that I think that's gonna help at  this point. But can I convince you to let them go after their deadline  at least?"

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"Only after you subscribe lmao, Pogchamp, Chat. Can I hear a Kappa 123?"


The God of character design this is too beautiful lol

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yiu are but a leech in a pile of leech


that's not funny you not funny asshoe

"idolizes Michael Scott"

he and I can never be friends
