Goichi Yamamoto



1 month, 1 day ago


Kanji: 山下 伍一

Romaji: Yamamoto Goichi

Katakana: ヤマモト ゴイチ

English: Goichi Yamamoto

Talent: Ultimate Wrestler

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 182 cm 

Weight: 89kg 

Birth date: 21st July

Chest Size: 94 cm

Blood Type: A

Likes: Watching movies, fame

Dislikes: Public humiliation, insects

Status: Alive

Occupation: Future Foundation recruit


Unnamed parents
Unnamed younger brothers
Pet parrot

About:  Being recruited by HPA for being the best and youngest wrestler in Japan, Goichi absolutely adores being in the spotlight and having tons of fans. 

He's a big believer of talent equals hope, and because he was chosen by Hope's Peak Academy, he has a huge superiority complex towards those of no talent at all, sometimes intimidating them for fun - to him, they are all worthless insects. 

So when the Academy went down in flames and the tragedy started, Goichi was speechless and in disbelief - his future as the best Wrestler was taken from him, and he appeared very angry and depressed in his times when he was hiding in Asuka's house with what remained of his class. To make himself feel better, he decided to keep having his tough guy exterior, and being an absolute prick to everyone, especially Kisuke, who he was furious with for being a better fighter and winning the lottery. To him, Kisuke seemed like he was cheating (which was rich coming from him, the Ultimate Wrestler), so these two butt heads a lot. Goichi tried to intimidate Kisuke, by saying how ridiculous he was for even trying to learn the drums with Asuka's help, to him being annoyed that Kisuke ignored him a lot of times and didn't reply (Kisuke is selectively mute). More often than not, Asuka and Shiori had to break a lot of fights.

He is currently (and reluctantly) helping the Future Foundation with his classmates; despite all his big talk, he gets scared easily by the Monokuma bots, and he's even more terrified of the weird vigilante girl that nearly killed him for being in her way (he thought she was stealing his act of being the best fighter against the Despair) , actively telling the former Renmants of Despair to avoid her at all costs, while dealing with his ego being crushed time and time again for not being effecient enough to help others.

Goichi is currently trying to be a better person and get over himself, accepting everyone as equal. Just give him a moment, he will learn.