Charcoal Boyan



25 days, 14 hours ago


Charcoal Boyan

(he/him) Trans Male

Main Character
. Likes
  • Blue
  • Winter
  • Hair dye
  • Spicy food
. Disikes
  • Anything on his wrists
  • Fire
  • Anything overly sweet
  • Tight fitted clothes
. Trivia
greatest strength resourceful
biggest weakness frightened easily
favorite hobby collecting
most skilled at combat
code by lore
. Design Notes
  • deep scarring on his wrists, as well as a scar on the left side of his chest, neck, and a scar on his right eyebrow
  • Post-3014, right leg is replaced by a prosthetic
  • One bead (right side of face) from Melody, one from Aldo
  • 5'4 (162.5cm)
. Accessory Info
baggy clothes baggy clothed fiend
hair beads generally required post-3014
dyed hair hair is dyed gray 99% of the time
communicator it's blue!
design by feathermoths . aesthetic images by unsplash with images from unsplash .
Born due to Unfortunate Circumstance. Father was absent and mother wanted nothing to do with him, so he was raised by Marmalade Miko and Quartz Meza. Later, he is raised alongside Aldo as a brother. Compared to most people his age, he's a late bloomer when it comes to his abilities. Marmalade decided to recruit him as her apprentice when he was 12, though she refused to tell him anything about her own mentor - this leads to said old mentor getting his hands on Charcoal when he's 14, and he suffers as a result, losing a leg and dealing with life long trauma. He discovers his abilities during his time with the old mentor. On top of that, when he's 16, he's forced into a leadership position when Marmalade becomes permanently injured.
He's very open about himself and about his feelings - it's very difficult to make him mad, since he believes most of people's bad intentions come from their own unfortunate life circumstances. He's excitable and hyper with friends, though with strangers, he's a bit reserved. He's also quite bold - if someone dares him to do something, he will do it. He likes to tease a lot, though he knows his limits. After being kidnapped in 3014, he becomes quite depressed and avoids people; it takes a few years for him to somewhat regain his old personality.
His biological mother. Their relationship is not great, since she tends to avoid him most of the time. Anytime she does interact with him, it's out of necessity (like when there's a medical emergency). She officially loses legal right to him in 3014 to Marmalade.
His true mother and mentor. She took care of him despite her own young age, teaching him whatever she knew. When he became her apprentice, she was hard on him, but made sure he learned well. She's quite doting on him.
His true father. As he never knew his actual father, Quartz filled in the role as his father in place. They never saw each other often (they live in different guilds) but Quartz did his best to teach Charcoal what he could. He's quite protective and doting.
Raised as brothers, though they don't officially become brothers until 3014. Charcoal generally sees Aldo as his best friend and the person he looks up to the most.
His partner and closest companion (besides Aldo). Very supportive of each other all throughout their relationship, especially during Charcoal's physical and mental recovery from the kidnapping.
Some guy he found and decided to be friends with (affectionate). One of his other best friends, someone he can spend time with when he doesn't want to speak that much.
in summary

. backstory
Fucked up bio parents so two other people took his place. Gains a brother and eventually makes some awesome friends. Gets kidnapped, loses his leg, becomes depressed, forced to become leader... get's a little better later on.
. personality
With friends, very energized and talkative. With strangers, reserved and generally uninterested.
. relationships
Barely has a relationship with his bio mom and has none with his bio dad, but has two people, Marmalade and Quartz, in place of that. He has a brotherly relationship with Aldo as well. Oshawa is someone he considers his second bestest friend. He has a partner, Moss, who he cares about deeply.
welcome to my freaked up mind