Oshawa Scott



21 days, 5 hours ago


Oshawa Scott
Animalia (Avian)

(he/him) Trans Male

Main Character
. Likes
  • Purple
  • Meteorology
  • Crochet
  • Summer
. Disikes
  • His father
  • Strangers
  • Sharp objects
  • Stressful situations
. Trivia
biggest strength smart
biggest weakness anxious and pessimistic
favorite hobby reading
most skilled at sneaking and hiding
code by lore
thats awesome dude
. Design Notes
  • Several piercings: eyebrows, double nostrils (w chain), 4 lobes (2 on each side) and snake bites
  • Avian - has wings! (some feathers are white due to a mutation. and one wing is stunted)
  • Multiple bodily scars (face and body)
  • Bonding mark on his right thumb (bird shaped)
  • 5'11 (180.3 cm)
giant enemy spider..
. Accessory Info
jewelry generally a dark metal or silver. always on
sweaters somehow has millions
bracelet from Aldo!
communicator it's black!
design by feathermoths . aesthetic images by unsplash with images from unsplash .
He was originally born in the Silver-Tops guild, usually left alone with Marmalade Miko since both parents were too busy to look after him. He left with his mother in 3005 after his father was banished from the guild. Not too long after that, his mom dies in childbirth, leaving him with 3 younger sisters and a father who despises them. After many years of abuse, he runs away in 3014, finding his way back to the Silver-Tops guild. As he's only a teenager, he's forced under the care of Clementine Scott. Though, he does meet his life partner, Aldo, and his friend, Charcoal, so that's good!
He's commonly mistaken for being shy, but he's just reserved. He doesn't like talking to people unless he has to and rarely speaks about himself. Due to his abuse, he doesn't really understand normal social cues and can accidentally say something strange, offensive, or rude (he generally doesn't mean to). He's a very distrusting person. When it comes to people he does get close to, he is very awkward, but he can be quite talkative. He's sarcastic and a little blunt. He's kind, but not necessarily nice. He's also quite mellow. He wears his heart on his sleeve - it's extremely easy to tell what he's thinking or feeling.
His mother. They had a deep connection that was unfortunately cut short due to her passing. She's one of the most important figures in his life - he misses her a lot.
His father. Their relationship has generally always been extremely negative. Julian dislikes him for looking too similar to his mom, while Oshawa dislikes him for his abusive nature.
With his first younger sister, Selena, they have a close bond, close enough that they awakened the same abilites at the same time (a very rare phenomenon). Selena was his only support system after their mom died. Their younger sisters were too young to really understand much (second youngest is 8 years younger, third 9) but he still cared for them a lot.
She babysat him when he was a young child. Besides his mom, she's the person he was most attached to. When he returned to the Silver-Tops guild in 3014, Marmalade still doted on him, although she does tread carefully around him.
His life partner. He's one of the few people he feels he can truly be himself around. Besides his mother, Aldo is one of his favorite people.
One of his few friends. He trusts Charcoal on a deep level, and sometimes tells him things that no one else knows.
Their relationship was a little strange at first (mostly due to Oshawa's trust issues) but after he realizes Clem won't hurt him, Clem becomes a positive fatherly figure in his life.
in summary

. backstory
Left his birth guild bc his dad sucks. Mom dies. Dad still sucks. Runs away. Gets awesome and better life at birth guild
. personality
Reserved, with a side of sarcasm and awkwardness
. relationships
Hates his dad. Misses his mom. Misses his sisters. Likes his new dad, Clem. Very happy with his life partner, Aldo. Besties with Charcoal. Awkward with Marmalade.