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#terriaccspecies #terriaccs



open species by LuckiiBee (me)

what are they?

Terriaccs (tear-e-acks) are long, semi-robotic mammalian creatures renowned for their playful and mischievous nature. With no physical gender differences, they maintain an air of mystery and uniformity. Each Terriacc features a distinctive visor or terrarium face, showcasing visible skulls or heads within the screens, blending organic and technological aesthetics in a captivating display.

Their elongated bodies and necks grant them a serpentine grace, complemented by their long, expressive mammalian ears. Their furless tails, lined with dynamic screen patterns, are both a visual delight and a tool for communication and pranks. Navigating their environments with bird-like feet, they are agile and swift, while their large hand paws, equipped with shiny claws, are perfect for both delicate manipulation and playful antics. The Terriaccs thrive on interaction and humor, making them beloved tricksters in their diverse worlds.


In the ancient times of the galaxy, on a distant planet known as Veridia, the Terriaccs were born. Veridia was a world of lush, sprawling forests and vibrant ecosystems, a paradise teeming with life. It was here that the Terriaccs first emerged, not as a natural species, but as a creation of the brilliant and eccentric scientist Dr. Lyria Voss.

Dr. Voss was renowned for her groundbreaking work in bioengineering and robotics. Driven by a vision of creating a harmonious blend of organic life and advanced technology, she embarked on an ambitious project. She sought to design a species that could thrive in Veridia’s diverse environments, while also embodying a sense of joy and playfulness to bring happiness to the world.

After years of tireless research and countless experiments, the Terriaccs were born. These semi-robotic mammalian creatures were the perfect fusion of nature and technology. Each Terriacc featured a distinctive visor or terrarium face, within which visible skulls or heads could be seen, a mesmerizing blend of the organic and mechanical. These faces were not merely decorative but served as sophisticated sensors and communication devices.

The Terriaccs were designed with elongated bodies and necks, giving them a serpentine grace that allowed them to move fluidly through the dense foliage of Veridia’s forests. Their long, expressive mammalian ears provided them with acute hearing, while their furless tails, lined with dynamic screen patterns, became tools for communication and delightful displays. These tails were integral to their identity, allowing them to convey emotions and messages through intricate light shows.

Equipped with bird-like feet, the Terriaccs could navigate their environments with agility and precision. Their large hand paws, adorned with shiny claws, were perfect for both delicate manipulation and their favorite pastime—pranking. Indeed, the Terriaccs quickly became known as the tricksters of Veridia, their playful nature endearing them to all who encountered them.

The Terriaccs’ origins were shrouded in mystery, as Dr. Voss vanished soon after their creation, leaving behind only cryptic notes and unfinished projects. The Terriaccs, however, thrived in her absence. They formed close-knit communities within the forests of Veridia, their interactions characterized by laughter, camaraderie, and a love for harmless mischief.

Despite their advanced design, the Terriaccs maintained an air of uniformity and mystery, as there were no physical gender differences among them. This lack of differentiation only added to their enigmatic charm. They communicated through a combination of vocalizations, tail displays, and the expressions shown on their terrarium visors, creating a rich and dynamic social tapestry.

Over time, the Terriaccs became an integral part of Veridia’s ecosystem. They forged bonds with other species, often using their playful antics to mediate conflicts and foster harmony. Their presence brought a unique balance to Veridia, blending the whimsy of their pranks with the profound beauty of their existence.

The legend of the Terriaccs spread far beyond Veridia, captivating the imaginations of beings across the galaxy. Explorers and scholars traveled from distant worlds to study these remarkable creatures, each visitor leaving with tales of the Terriaccs’ playful spirit and their captivating blend of organic and technological beauty.

And so, the Terriaccs continued to thrive, a testament to Dr. Lyria Voss’s vision of a species that could bring joy and wonder to the universe. In the heart of Veridia’s forests, amid the laughter and light, the legacy of the Terriaccs lived on, an enduring symbol of the magic that happens when nature and technology unite in perfect harmony.


The Terriaccs (tear-e-acks), known for their playful nature, have a diverse diet that sustains their semi-robotic biology. Originating from Veridia, they are omnivorous, eating both plants and animals to maintain their unique systems. They enjoy lumifruit for vitamins, nutrileaves for energy, and fungal gourds for proteins. They hunt insectoids for protein, catch small fish and amphibious creatures for omega fats, and occasionally hunt small mammals. Nano-nutrients in liquid or capsule form repair and optimize their cybernetic parts. They also ingest bio-compatible energy cores to power their mechanical systems. Terriaccs turn mealtime into games, organizing food hunts and sharing glowing foods in communal glow feasts, fostering social bonds and making eating enjoyable. They practice sustainable foraging and hunting, ensuring their feeding habits don't disrupt Veridia's ecosystems, always taking only what they need. Overall, the Terriaccs' diet is a blend of organic and technological elements, supporting their lively and mischievous way of life.

gender differences 

The Terriaccs' lack of gender differences stems from their unique origins as a creation of the brilliant scientist Dr. Lyria Voss. When designing the Terriaccs, Dr. Voss envisioned a species that embodied harmony and unity, free from the constraints and complexities of traditional gender roles. By eschewing physical gender differences, the Terriaccs maintain a sense of mystery and uniformity, fostering a deeper connection among individuals and reinforcing their collective identity. This absence of gender distinctions allows for a more fluid and inclusive social structure, where individuals are valued for their personalities and abilities rather than predefined gender norms. As a result, Terriacc society thrives on collaboration, cooperation, and mutual respect, with each member contributing their unique talents to the community regardless of gender.

Required traits

The required traits of the Terriaccs, including their terrarium/visor faces, long furless tails with screen lines, elongated bodies and necks, long mammalian ears, bird feet, big hand paws, and shiny claws, are essential components of their unique biology and culture.

These traits were carefully designed by Dr. Lyria Voss to create a species perfectly adapted to their environment on Veridia. The terrarium/visor faces not only serve as sensory and communication devices but also symbolize the fusion of organic and technological elements within the Terriaccs.

Their long, furless tails with dynamic screen lines are integral for communication, displaying emotions and messages through vibrant patterns. Elongated bodies, necks, and mammalian ears contribute to their grace and agility, while bird-like feet provide swift and precise movement.

Big hand paws with shiny claws are versatile tools for manipulation and defense. Together, these traits form the foundation of Terriacc identity, reflecting their playful and mischievous nature while facilitating their interactions with each other and their environment.

The visors of the Terriaccs are marvels of versatility, capable of serving as screens adorned with dynamic patterns or as terrariums housing miniature ecosystems. Some choose to display intricate screen lines on their visors, adding flair to their expressions and communication. Others opt for terrariums, where lush ecosystems thrive within, adding a touch of natural beauty to their appearance. In the terrarium versions, some Terriaccs incorporate openings to provide plants or animals inside with the necessary elements to thrive, ensuring the ecosystem within remains balanced and vibrant. Remarkably, in these terrarium versions, the one animal inside serves as the head for the Terriacc, forming a symbiotic relationship that highlights their interconnectedness with the natural world. Whether adorned with screens or teeming with life, all Terriacc visors share a common feature: a visible head or skull within, a testament to their organic origins and the fusion of technology and biology that defines their species.

can I make a  design for currency?

Certainly! The Terriaccs are an open species, welcoming your creative interpretations while keeping in mind their required traits and essential information. Feel free to experiment with their visor designs, tail patterns, and overall appearances, ensuring they maintain the distinctive features that define Terriacc identity. Your creations are encouraged to reflect the playful and mischievous nature of the Terriaccs, embodying their unique blend of organic and technological elements. Share your imaginative designs in the comments or tag me to showcase your creations—I can't wait to see what you come up with!

can I create free bases for them?

Absolutely! You're welcome to create free bases featuring the Terriaccs. Feel free to add them to the "F2U bases" tab of this profile without needing permission. Your generosity in providing bases of my species is greatly appreciated, as it allows others the opportunity to draw and create their own Terriacc characters. Your contribution is invaluable, and I'm thrilled to see the Terriaccs brought to life through your artistic efforts!


Should you find yourself curious about this species, don't hesitate to drop your questions in the comments below! I'm always available to provide detailed answers and assist you in unraveling the mysteries of this intriguing creature. Your inquiries are welcomed and eagerly anticipated!