






16.1 HH

Wild Dunskin Roan Tobiano Blanket


Zerenity is the leader of a herd that lives in a valley similar to the areas of Wyoming, that also contains large areas of woodland.There are hardly any people to be found in the area where he lives, but there are plenty animals. Some are very friendly, while others are a bit more dangerous. There is also a lot of variation in nature, from flat plains, to dense forests, to rocky mountains. Several streams and lakes can also be found. It's a place full of interesting things to explore!

Many of his memories of his past have been repressed. His oldest memory is waking up to the smell of smoke surrounded by a sea of fire. With great difficulty, he managed to leave this burning place, after which he started his life in the valley. Little by little he managed to increase the size of his herd, although the question is to what extent he is a suitable leader for this group....

He is a overthinker by nature, so he is quick to see dangers where there are none. This is also why he has difficulty making decisions and prefers to avoid confrontation. Fortunately, his herd consists of a few mares who are a bit more determined with choices and who are more easily able to fight back, so the herd has never really been in danger so far. But the question, of course, is for how long that will remain the case. Because who knows what dangers Zerenity overlooks when he is busy caring for wounded or lonely animals.

Looks & Character

Zerenity has a relatively thick and soft coat, in which branches and leaves can sometimes get stuck. He is somewhat more solidly built, but still has a very soft look to him. It may have something to do with his face, which gives him a young appearence. His manes are on the shorter side and can sometimes look quite messy.


  • Taking care of others
  • Birds, especially robins
  • Creatures with strong opinions


  • Anything related to fire or smoke
  • Being hurried into making a decision
  • Confrontation

Zerenity is a compliant and friendly horse who is always willing to help others. In fact, he finds the happiness of other animals more important than his own happiness. He must be careful to make sure he isn't taken advantage of, but fortunately there are always mares from his herd nearby to help him with this.

Zerenity is also very sensitive and can be called a real worrier. He often worries about himself, others and things that happen. Thoughts spin nonstop in his head, some more positive than others. Mulling isn't an unfamiliar thing for him. He takes few risks in life, held back by these thoughts. He would rather live a bland life than have something possibly go wrong.


Maylea [ LOVER ]

Maylea is the first mare Zerenity encountered and traveled the valley with. Maylea's determination is a nice complement to Zerenity's indecisiveness. He is still very shy with expressing his love, but that doesn't stop him from doing it.

Reaghan [ FRIEND ]

Reaghan joined the herd at an early age and supports Zerenity with his leading duties. Zerenity finds calmness in knowing that he can always hand over the leadership to Reaghan. With Reaghan being the only other stallion in their herd, he certainly enjoys spending time with “the boys”.

Olive [ DAUGTHER ]

Olive is Zerenity's foal and can cause him quite a bit of stress. Her recklessness doesn't always go well with Zerenity's risk-free life, but perhaps it's a good thing that Olive forces him out of his comfort zone. Zerenity will do anything to protect her, even if he has to put himself in danger for it.