


1 month, 8 hours ago





14.3 HH

Chestnut Pearl Overo


Maylea is part of a herd that lives in a valley similar to the areas of Wyoming, that also contains large areas of woodland.There are hardly any people to be found in the area where she lives, but there are plenty animals. Some are very friendly, while others are a bit more dangerous. There is also a lot of variation in nature, from flat plains, to dense forests, to rocky mountains. Several streams and lakes can also be found. It's a place full of interesting things to explore!

Maylea woke up one morning to find she had been left behind by her herd. For several days she wandered the valley alone, irritated by all the misfortunes nature brought her. Mud, mosquitoes, rain, plants with thorns, and on and on. When she saw Zerenity wandering through the valley, she didn't hesitate for a second. Never that she would travel through the valley by herself, when she could also travel in the company of others. Not only that, but she needed to vent her frustrations at another person. And so she started traveling through the valley with Zerenity, taking care of more and more stowaways along the way.

She soon took on the mother role in the herd. Not only for her own foal, but also for other foals and mares. Although she could be a bit blunt at times, the horses generally appreciated her. Every now and then it could clash due to the way her comments came across, but that fixed itself with time.

Looks & Character

Maylea has a very narrow build and cares very much about her appearance. Her fur is not very thick, which she finds ideal because it is easy to maintain. You won't easily find a twig or a leaf in her fur. Her manes are very long and somehow she always manages to keep them shiny. They aren't completely straight, but have a slight wave to them.


  • Rays of sun
  • Flowers
  • Being complimented (especially on her looks)


  • Rain, and its accompanying mud
  • Insects
  • Being alone

Maylea is a mare who can sometimes come across as quite direct. Sometimes it can even cause her to appear very arrogant. But underneath this direct and arrogant behavior lies a lot of insecurity. It causes her to have trouble making friends, but once she has a sense of connection she will come across as less and less direct.

Maylea cares very much about her appearance and does everything she can to look as pretty as possible. It demonstrates that she cares very much about how others perceive her, while she herself thinks it comes across as very nonchalant. She is always willing to share her tricks with others, as long as they don't start looking better than her.


Zerenity [ LOVER ]

Zerenity is the first horse Maylea met after she was abandoned by her own herd. Zerenity's indecisiveness softens Maylea's directness perfectly. He was the first one to seem to genuinely care about her, making her very attached to him.

Dalia [ FRIEND ]

Two mares that are very different, but at the same time very similar. Dalia is slowly teaching Maylea to appreciate herself and care less and less about how others see her. She can be seen as the fun aunt, pushing Maylea to enjoy the moment without caring about her appearance. You can hear those mares chatting from miles away.

Olive [ DAUGTHER ]

Maylea and Olive have a bit of a rusty bond, but care a lot about each other. Raising Olive has been very confronting for Maylea, as there have been a lot of scenarios where she had to just accept what happened without being able to control it. Still, she cares about Olive very much and does everything she can to be the best mother for her.