


1 month, 1 day ago


Alarm Call - The Correspondents
1:16 3:56
Kousei Arima - Your Lie in April
0:16 0:42

caracal/bold jumping spider | male | 21

Twig is a caracal bold jumping spider hybrid created in a secret lab in Veinspire. He was rasied in a government black site as part of the first attempts at super soldier creation during the Orion Initiative. He was rescued by Aubrey during her rebellion, and left with her for Amastaria after the collapse of Veinspire.

Twig currently attends Stellaris University as an Entomology major.

  • Spiders
  • Rainy days
  • Forests
  • Hoodies
  • Pink
  • Small, enclosed spaces
  • The dark
  • Vegetables
  • Feeling feelings
  • Horror movies

i make the call and sit by you

neutral good | pisces | the hanged man, reversed
indecisive self-critical anxious

Twig has a personality that is very nervous and jumpy, being quick to acquiesce to avoid conflict and a chronic people-pleaser.

Those who know Twig would likely describe him as jumpy and socially anxious. He is constantly worrying about everything and everyone around him, which leaves him anxious and exhausted. Twig is very kind person, but is often awkward around others and unsure how he should act. Because of this, he prefers to hang around people he already knows well rather than try to meet new people.


where have you gone? i'm calling on you

5' 9" | lanky | unsure

Twig is a fairly tall and skinnily caracal jumping spider hybrid. He has orange-tan fur with dark, dusty brown ears and hair. The black markings under his eyes, somewhat covered by his blue stripes, are a second set of eyes that he generally doesn't use. Twig also has white stripping around his joints and two tails, carry-overs from his spider DNA. His fur is very fluffy, hinting at an undercoat.

Important Notes
  • His extra eyes can be drawn open or closed, but they are NOT optional.
  • His web glands aren't optional either.
  • Hair can be in a variety of styles, as long as it's somewhat long.
  • Ear tufts are optional.

that is was you who needed me

a brief summary...
The Orion Inititative

Twig was created as part of the first attempts of the Orion Initiative. The goal of this program was to create super soldiers that could replace ordinary citizens in Veinspire's military. The first draft of this program was genetically modifying embryo's to be part animal and part insect/arachnid, them growing them to be soldiers. Twig was one of the first such recombinate lifeform.

Twig was deemed a failure at age 11, when it became clear that the transformation ability he and all his counterparts were created with was unstable. Twig was locked away, as were many other subjects, and promptly forgotten about in favor of the new section of the program.


Twig was rescued from his confinement during the beginning of Aubrey's rebellion agains tthe Orion Initiative and Veinspire's government. He was discovered during a raid on the government black site he was being held at, where Aubrey found him. They shared an instant connection, and Aubrey decided to bring him with her.

During the revolution that would eventually topple Veinspire, Twig acted as Aubrey's anchor to reality as she slowly began to slip. He was the only thing keeping her tethered to reality until they were brought to Amastaria and temporarily separated.

In Amastaria, it was deemed that Twig and Aubrey should be kept together once they were integrated into society. They were both enrolled at Stellaris University, where Twig currently lives with his roomate and Orion Inititave counterpart, Bug.

that was the way it had to be

some of twig's closest relationships

closest friend

Twig's savoir from his confinement and closest friend. When they ment, Aubrey and Twig had an instant connection that only grew stronger the longer they were together. Despite their different backgrounds, they share a lot of trauma and similar feelings of inadequacy and a fear of failure.

Twig trusts Aubrey more than anyone else in the world, and would do anything to make sure she's happy and safe. He will always do his best to keep her tethered to reality, even when her anger gets the better of her.


friend and roommate

Bug was one of the later attempts at a recombinate lifeform during the first phase of the Orion Inititaive. Bug was considered to be much more successful, and wasn't locked away like Twig was. Neither of them met until they were both enrolled as Entomology majors at Stellaris University.

Twig considers Bug a close friend and someone he can confine in, and who can help him step out of his comfort zone when he needs to.

so all good things will find their end...

Powers and Abilities
Recombinate Lifeform

As a recombinate lifeform the was designed specifically to serve a military purpose, Twig has abilities that he otherwise would not have.

  • He can spin webs from his wrist glands like Spider-Man
  • He has an 'exoskeleton' directly underneath his skin, making him incredibly durable
  • Because his is a combination of a caracal and a jumping spider, he has a 50 foot vertical if he's trying
  • Again, like Spider-Man, Twig can stick to walls and the ceiling
  • Twig has an almost werewolf-like ability to transform into a larger, stronger version of himself. However, this form is unstable and not something he likes to do. This form is also used by his subconscious as a defense mechanism when it thinks he's in danger.