
4 months, 5 hours ago


Baby Girl - Disco Lines
0:49 1:51
Asami - ALTA: Legends of Korra
1:16 4:32

serval/honeybee | female | 20

Bug is a serval honeybee hybrid created in a secret lab in Veinspire. She was rasied in a government black site as part of the first attempts at super soldier creation during the Orion Initiative. Bug escaped the black site she was being held at during the beginning of Aubrey's rebellion, and hid out until she was eventually found and brought to Amastaria.

Bug currently attends Stellaris University as an Entomology major.

  • Shiny things
  • The ocean
  • Frogs
  • Veggie shakes
  • Early summer
  • Stormy weather
  • Minty things
  • Fire/smoke
  • Loud environments
  • Being by herself

baby girl, you know what i want

chaotic good | libra | ten of cups, upright
hyperactive social empathetic

Bug has a very cheery and outgoing personality, she enjoys being around others and constantly pushes her friends to let loose and have fun.

Bug's friends would describe her as very bubbly and social, always hanaging around her friends and brightening people's days. She is a happy person, and is content in her where she is in life. Bug is very much of the mentality that you shouldn't let the past drag you down, and lives by it. Since she doesn't like to be alone, Bug can almost always be found with one of her friends, trying to get them to go out and have fun or helping them with schoolwork.


let me do it to ya, do it to ya

5' 3" | small | relaxed

Bug is fairly short and of an average build, if you ignore her antenne and wings. Aside from her insect features, she almost looks like a normal serval. Her fur is short and coarse, and never seems to shed. She has typical several patterning everywhere except for her torso, which is oddly unpatterned. Bug keeps her hair relatively short and in a messy style, surprisingly her bangs are naturally their honey color.

Important Notes
  • Antenna are not optional.
  • Wings can be hidden under clothes.
  • Pupil shape is also not optional.
  • Patterning can be simplified as needed.
  • Hair can be drawn in a variety of styles as long as it is kept fairly short.

let me do ya like

a brief summary...
The Orion Inititative

Bug was created as part of the first attempts of the Orion Initiative. The goal of this program was to create super soldiers that could replace ordinary citizens in Veinspire's military. The first draft of this program was genetically modifying embryo's to be part animal and part insect/arachnid, them growing them to be soldiers. Bug was created not long after Twig, being part of a second batch of recombinate lifeforms made with more insect/arachanid DNA than the first.

Bug was largely considered to be a success, as her transformation ability, while not as potent as Twig's, was easily controlled. However, the recombinate project was shut down before Bug could be deployed. Not long after, she escaped.


Bug escaped from the black site she was being kept at not long after the recombinate lifeform program was shut down. During the chaos of the sudden shutdown, Bug was able to slip away and was quick to flee to the more uninhabited areas of Veinspire.

During the revolution that would eventually topple Veinspire, Bug remained hidden in the wilds of Veinspire, unwilling to become involved in a conflict that she didn't understand. Instead she spent her time trying to catch up on everything she had missed while being an unwilling government captive. Eventually, during the evacuation of Orion Initiative victims, Bug was discovered and brought to Amastaria.

In Amastaria, Bug was quickly deemed to not be a threat to the general public. After she finished her initial counselling to recover from what she'd suffered in Veinspire, she was enrolled at Stellaris Univsersity where she was placed as Twig's roommate in hopes she'd bring him out of his shell.

uh, uh-uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh

some of bug's closest relationships

close friend and roommate

Bug's roommate at Stellaris University and Orion Initiative counterpart. Twig is one of Bug's best friends, and she hopes one day he'll learn to hate himself a little bit less. Despite not knowing each other until they became roommates, Bug was quick to befriend Twig and bascially adopted him as her introvert friend.

Bug considers herself Twig's hypeman, and does everything she can to make him feel more comfortable in his own skin and to push him outside his comfort zone. One day she hopes he'll go commit crime with her.


partner in crime

Bug met Havoc after Aubrey invited Twig, and by extension Bug, to a party with some friends. The pair were fast friends and often get into trouble with one another. They've definitely been almost arrested together more than once, though Bug is quick to talk them both out of trouble.

Bug considers Havoc one of her closest friends, and go to crime buddy.

baby girl, you know what i want

Powers and Abilities
Recombinate Lifeform

As a recombinate lifeform the was designed specifically to serve a military purpose, Bug has abilities that she otherwise would not have.

  • Her claws can inject bee venom, however it is non-lethal
  • She can fly with her wings, as well as hover. However her stamina isn't great
  • Her antenna can sense vibrations in the air, giving her an equivalent to blindsight. She can also use them to detect changes in the weather
  • Can 'talk' to bees and similar insects. It's more like she understands how they communicate and can communicate with them in turn
  • Like Twig, Bug has a werewolf-like ability to transform into larger, stronger version of herself. However this ability isn't as potent as Twig's and is more easily controllable. Bug can transform on command, and has this ability very much under control. She likes to use it more as a party trick than anything, those she has used it to escape police more than once.