


1 month, 1 day ago


lead singer and guitarist of speed/thrash metal band succubus

full name: cynthia hayes

birthday: november 13, 1966

age: 18-24 during main story

height: 5'8"

gender: cis female

pronouns: she/her

fun facts: - she will kill anyone that is not her mother that calls her cynthia

- when her and lexxi get together tho. the first time he calls her cynthia when theyre being all romantic. she melts.

- she pretends to hate dawn's music, but you could definitely catch her listening to some sisters of mercy late at night.

- broke the most popular guy in school's nose in 8th grade, so him and his friends are scared of her

- total trailer trash. mom's a druggie and her alcoholic dad got thrown in jail a few years ago. now she has to deal with her mom's never-ending slew of gross boyfriends.

- loves to hang out at the town's cemetery. she's not weird about it though, she respects the dead.

- 100% plays d&d, definitely has a fighter pc. she loves to tank!

- when she meets other bands she totally fangirls, but she pushes it down to keep her cool demeanor. but on the inside shes like OMGOMGOMGOGMOG ITS THEM !

- failing her math class.... it's okay shes a rockstar she doesnt need math!

- loves to clown on lexxi's band bc her band makes way heavier music than them. lexxi is all hair metal and she's more serious and she finds it so fucking funny. like who says girls can't play metal. this fucking guy?


‘83-’84 (senior year):

Cynth, Dawn, and Shannon formed their speed/thrash metal band Succubus at the end of their junior year, and now as seniors have been taking every gig they can grasp at in cities within a drivable distance. The three get bullied and harassed at school and in public in their hometown–the conservative Christian values of suburban, Midwest America not agreeing with their lifestyle. But either way, they stay true to who they are and do their best to make it out alive.

Summer of ‘84-’85

The girls begin to get traction in the scene pretty quick once they move out of their small town together, getting a shitty, rundown apartment in LA together. A lot of men in the scene don’t like their style–or moreso the fact that a bunch of girls can rock harder than them. Once Cynth and Shannon land a few photoshoots for metal magazines, their popularity is solidified. It may partially be because they’re all hot, but nobody can deny how well they all play. Their rivalry with Hellhound, which is Lexxi, Jamii, and Mack’s band, has also put them in the middle of a media spectacle. Everyone is obsessed with the tension between the bands, and especially the tension between their frontmen.


Within about a year, the girls have made a big name for themselves. They’re dirty, sleazy, players–everything the men can do, but a thousand times hotter. And their drummer’s a lesbian. Cynth and Lexxi start dating in early ‘87, but they’ve decided to play a game with the press: pretend they still hate each other for as long as they can. Both bands are touring the country, and starting to do shows around the globe.