


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full name





20 September






Behemoth envy demon


Carpenter Assistant




Pickled Punks




Rosmarus is an envy demon who lived in Slumber. He was one of Faust's followers and the third behemoth amonst his followers. He is the business partner of Malayan.


Rosmarus is a shy and gloomy kid. He's scared of most things, but he's mostly afraid of strangers. He'll stay silent in most situations because of his shyness, except when he's alone with Malayan, who's the only one he truly feels safe around. He's quite insecure and afraid to try new things, especially around other people. Needless to say he is very afraid of failure. However he treasures his friends more than anything. He'll do anything to protect the ones he cares about, so should any dangerous situation arrive, he'll forget about his insecurities and leap into action in a heartbeat. He is easily moved to tears by kindness, even when it isn't directed at him. He's also a huge pushover, making him an easy target, though Malayan usually makes sure no one is insulting or taking advantage of him. He's easy to persuade, especially if it's someone he trusts. He can be extremely critical of himself, but even more so of strangers. He doesn't care much for the townspeople where he lives, though he straight up hates outsiders. He won't hesitates to kill anyone if he doesn't care about them. However he seems to tire himself out pretty fast, so he's hardly capable of doing much damage, luckily. Much to Malayan's frustration, he will often just slump over in the middle of job because he feels a little tired, or if he feels overwhelmed by the task at hand. Being an envy demon he get's easily jealous. Especially when it comes to the few friends he has. He gets pretty possessive and he constantly needs to be reassured that they won't leave him behind.


Like many other Envy demons Rosmarus was born with a tail, however he always envied the demons and humans who walked on land. The envy eventually drove him to kill humans in attempts to try to get their legs. Of course it never worked, and it only made Rosmarus more frustrated with his situation. It eventually drove Rosmarus to turn into a behemoth. During his early years he lived in a human harbour where he continued to prey on humans. He became known as the a local myth, described as a man eating sea monster that preyed on anyone who'd wander around the harbour alone. One day Rosmarus came across a lone boy late at night. When he tried to attack the boy however he was to his surprised confronted by the mysterious boy and learned that he had actually been expecting Rosmarus to appear. The boy was of course young Faust who had come to investigate the rumors of the sea monster. Faust promised to help Rosmarus if he left the habour and came with him to the small town called Slumber. After many questions, he agreed to follow the boy.

After arriving to Slumber Rosmarus was introduced to the other demons who lived with Faust. He quickly made friends with Malayan, another demon Faust had helped. Though Rosmarus had doubted Faust's abilities to help him, the young boy worked tediously, and after many months of operations and magic experiments, he was able to turn Rosmarus tail into a pair of legs. It took a while for Rosmarus to get used to his new legs but all of Faust's hard work paid off eventually, and Rosmarus was him eternally grateful. He became one of Faust's loyal followers from that day on. 

Rosmarus became business partners with Malayan some time later. He admired Malayan a great deal for his positive attitude. They became infamous for ripping people off, though as long as they made money they didn't care for the consequences. The duo also ended up making mortal enemies with the Sirens living in Slumber's swamp after attempting to steal their pearls.

Rosmarus lived in Slumber until the day Faust died. He then left with Malayan, taking their business with them. Their whereabouts are currently unknown.

Other quotes

  • "Don't wanna..."
  • "Ah, I give up."
  • "No waaaaay..."


  • Despite his legs frail appearances, they are fully functional.
  • Rosmarus was born from fear of the water and drowning.
  • He is the weakest of the three behemoths in Faust's group.