


1 month, 5 days ago

Basic Info


Eithan ???, Eight, Eito, Star




August 1st

Height, weight

6'1"/185cm, 150lbs/68kg






Cis man (He/Him,) Bisexual

Voice Claim



Backstory Click if you don't care about spoilers, eventually this'll be shown via the blog.

Illegitimate child between a popular boxer and a sickly woman, Star was born in Boston Massachusetts and placed into the foster system. He had a mostly uneventful childhood save for some times he got in trouble in school, with a foster family, or the law by the time he was almost an adult. When he was 16 he got placed with a "single father" who mostly needed free help in his autoparts shop. (Which was not doing well, considering the competition.) He agreed to let Star stay after he turned 18 so long as he kept working for very little pay. Star was starting to show a genuine gift in mechanics and the understanding of complex machines, but he himself didn't want anything to do with this knowledge after he graduates school, which may take longer than it should thanks to poor attendance, grades, and behavior. It also doesn't help that he has a bit of a criminal record for thievery. His best stolen item is an entire school water fountain he then installed directly in his room. He naturally became friends with the other super seniors, and eventual teammates, Void and Earth. When he accidentally stumbled into a gateway to the Metaverse, he had to be rescued by Sun from high-level Shadows. He awakened his Persona in a panic and discovered he had a knack for sweeping Shadows as opposed to Sun's powerful but singular hits. The fact that the destroyed Shadows dropped insane levels of cash totally didn't impact Star's decision to make this his new job and find a team of Persona Users.


Star is still holding onto a lot of the angst he had as a child and younger teen, constantly believing that the world is out for him. While he doesn't hold the exact same disdain of "Yes, everyone around me actually despises me for no reason" he still finds it hard to trust people and loosen up even around his friends. He doesn't take well to teasing or playing along with bits before they're explained as bits. Star is particularly being proud of being the leader of the team even if he's incredibly stressed managing other barely-adults, amnesiac middle-aged man, and a rowdy freshman who infuriatingly is going to graduate the same year he is. When he does finally relax, he's easily flustered and stumbles over his words when trying to get into a joking mood. He looks the same when he's on the opposite end of the relaxation scale, he'll be scarily hilarious and repeat sentences to emphasize what he's pissed at. He'll always deny a lot of the issues he has in his personal life to try and keep a thick line between work and friendship but he finds himself craving the company of his team far more than he used to crave parental and mentor relationships.


  • Stealing a water fountain was actually a team-effort. Not for The Galactic Justice, but for Star and Void in particular. Star carefully uninstalled it after school and Void (illegally) drove it home in his dad's van. They fought over where it should stay for months before settling on Star's room because there was a water pipe in the wall of it.
  • He (And everyone else) are a year older when the blog starts. His birthday officially passes right before they start the Fontaine Mission, right at the peak of summer.
  • For his birthday, he got a card, some gifts from friends, and a cake imported from France from Earth's brother. When Sun threw the birthday card at him, no one knew it would be full of glitter.
  • Star wouldn't actually have a criminal record if he didn't botch some thief jobs and got caught. Years ago there was a program for some tough guys to be hired to "scare the kids straight" that a certain someone was a part of. Unfortunately, that was made up for a reality tv show and Star never got to meet him.