Flash Electra



5 years, 8 months ago



Flash Electra
Prince of Spectra
4ft 10in
85 lbs
Love Interest
Cadence Aria


Flash is a timid child who has a love of discovering and creating new things. Most of his curious ways caused him to craft and try to create things out of other things he would find. Flash was always sheltered heavily by his parents due to them loosing their older three boys. Because of this Flash is very paranoid of the world beyond his home walls and is a coward to a high degree. When in danger he will most likely run or hide behind someone who will defend. Teenage Flash- by the age of 15-16 Flash's pride sin begins to show as his personality makes a complete turn. He becomes more confident and cocky in himself and his wiling to try most things with no hesitation. At this point he is more pestered by his older brothers to try and hold back the sin but Flash doesn't understand that, making him annoyed.


Flash was the final child born by Jevon and Li'tronika. By this time Krimson, Neos, and Topaz were all gone from the castle so Flash didn't get the chance to know them. Flash learned all about his brothers through his mother and grew very fond and curious of them, pictures and all. He hoped to meet the one day. Through avoiding Jevon's harsh training and strict rules and being comforted by his mother through tears, Flash has grown up as a sheltered child, not going outside much in the real world other than the castle garden. He was quite the momma's boy. At the age of ten a catastrophe happened. Explosions started to occur throughout Spectra, including the castle. Many fled and many were killed in explosion and crushed in rubble. Flash witnessed deaths of many of the guards and workers. He made it to the throne room to see his own parents crushed themselves. This traumatized Flash for the worst. Eventually Flash was killed as well under the rubble of his own home. Upon waking up Flash was now in the afterlife where he met the reaper deity, Journey. The two became close as Journey assists him in trying to move on and even being a new mother figure to him, a guardian. Flash one day wants to see his home one last time and Journey grants him his wish by allowing him to come back to the world of the living. Flash took advantage of this as he never returned to the afterlife, wanting to find his brothers and live again, missing the feeling. Later down the road he meets Topaz, Neos and Kitsune while hiding in his destroyed home. Future- When Spectra is rebuilt Flash has no important roles as all the positions are filled. This usually leaves him bored and always out wanting to have something to do or some adventure like he did when he was younger as he is now a lot braver than what he once was. Flash is at a constant battle with his Pride sin but have no idea about it where as his brothers know about it and what it did to their father, Jevon, years ago and it could cause the end of Flash's life again but on his own terms. Flash is more irritated at his brothers when they lecture him on his cocky attitude and feels like they are bashing him for being brave instead. It makes the relationship with his brothers more distant but he still cares for the, just rebellious more of the time. Things get worse when Flash learns about his pride. It makes him feel more like a burden to his family and brings up the possibility of him harming his family or someone he cares about. As the smart one of the family he continues to try and find a cure for himself and even for his brother's sins but could never could come to an solution. By the age of 16 he becomes at his worst with his Pride to how he fights and argues with Krimson. Still failing at finding a cure he becomes fed up and runs away from Spectra, finding that distancing himself from all he knew would make everything better for his family and friends and eventually himself.


Machines, tinkering, mental challenges, exploring/ seeing new places and things, Sense of security, family.


Arguing, Anger, dark, failed experiments (done by him), negativity


Flash has electrical powers like his brothers and his special attack is a powerful shock wave that can only be generated by his large tail. Flash is able to see and communicate with ghosts due to dying once in his life.


- Pride sin - his own fear/ easily frightened - rubber - water (when using powers)


- Being engulfed by his Pride sin - his family disliking him over his actions - Someone getting hurt over his cowardice - death - claustrophobic -Things caving in around him due to past experiences - Darkness


- Flash is the most innocent out of all of his brothers but his sin is the most deadly. - Flash has the only sin that permanently changes his personality in his teenage years. None of the other brothers are like this as they only have moments then go back to their usual personalities after the sin has died down. - In the future Flash is the only brother that continues to have contact with his father through his father's journal as Jevon's spirit still lives on in it. Jevon hasn't moved on yet still regretting what he had caused to his family and kingdom and stays there to see things get better for his sons and kingdom. Sadly he probably won't be able to see the same happen for his wife, Li'tronika. It is unknown for now if Li'tronika's spirit has moved on or not but Flash stays curious about it and hopes to find out. - Flash is the craftiest and smartest out of his brothers though his easy fear of things make him feel like he is the most useless. - Flash is the only brother that recovered his broken relationship with his father, Jevon. - When having no other choice Flash will gain the courage to do what he needs to do.

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