Jevon Electra



4 years, 8 months ago


====•• Basic Information ••====

Name: Jevon Electra
Known As: Jevon, King Jevon, Father, Jev Jev and Jevvy by Roxxi, Grapapi by Solar
Nickname(s): Jev
Gender: Male
Species: Tasmanian devil
Alignment: Neutral
Morals: chaotic neutral 
Nationality: N/A
Birthplace: Spectra castle town
Current Residence: Spectra Castle

Theme Song: N/A
Voice Actor: (wip) 
===•• Physical Information ••===

Fur: Dark blue, White, light blue
Skin: Tan
Hair: Dark blue
Eyes: Green

Height: Mobian- 4ft 5in  Anthro- 6ft 3in
Weight: 80 kg
Age at Death: 53
Date of Birth: September 28th

Body Structure: Tall and built

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Taken
Love Interest(s): Li'tronika
Family: Mother and Father (deceased), Scythe (was like a brother), Li'tronika (wife), Topaz, Neos, Flash, Krimson (sons) 

Likes: Reading, Exploring, being a leader/ be in charge, pulling pranks, joking around, fighting, crowds, conversation.

Dislikes: Being seen as weak or being talked down on, work, boredom (what he considers boring),
Personality: Jevon is an outgoing and social individual who tends to get himself into trouble.  He usually makes life never a dull moment in both bad and good ways.  He loves large crowds and to meet new people.  He is also a prankster and trickster.  As Jevon grows older he gets more of a temper and prideful attitude (something he struggles to control at times).  When he's depressed or sad it's usually something very serious that impacted him hard, otherwise he would just get angry.

Relationship with : Parents- Jevon lived within a middle class family and had a close relationship with both of his parents.  He looked up to his father a lot and was very protective and caring of his mother and of course they gave the same love and care to him.

Li'tronika- Ever since they were young, Jevon had a love interest in Li'tronika.  When he protected her as a guard he often flirted and teased her and Li'tronika, or Li for short, often found it cute and funny.  When they are older and even finally marry they are very close to one another and protective.  Despite the mistreatment and disrespect Jevon gives Li at times she still very loyal to him and by his side.  She tends to be one of the few that can keep him calm when heated and even makes him see his wrongs.

Krimson- Since Krimson was the heir to the throne Jevon was very stern and strict on what Krimson did and how Krimson acted.  He cared for Krimson a lot and expected a lot out of him though at times he could be controlling over Krimson.  As Jevon started to let his power engulf him there were times where he would hit Krimson when he thought Krimson was trying to stand up over him.  But in reality Krimson was just trying to get him to calm down and or warn him about his actions.  This was mostly caused by Jevon being a sentic (a being that has a dominant personality from the seven deadly sins that comes up every now and again) of pride.

Neos- Jevon didn't give much attention to Neos nor played much a role in his life while he was a baby as Li'tronika did most of the raising as Jevon focused mainly on being king and getting work done.  It being a busy job it's understandable.  He started to play a role in Neos life when he was a young child, training him in combat and having some son and fatherly moments with him.  When Krimson was banished, Jevon did turn his attention to Neos to make him what he thought was "king material." But this didn't last long and Neos never came back when he ran into Don.

Topaz- Topaz was only a toddler when he was taken away from his parents by Neos so no relationship was established between Topaz and Jevon but Jevon did care for him and was heartbroken when another son of his was gone.

Flash- Flash had the most trouble with Jevon.  At this point when Flash was born, Jevon was desperate on having an heir to the throne as Krimson, Neos, and Topaz were no long present in Spectra and all their where abouts were unknown.  Flash, at this time, was more of a coward and was under a lot of pressure of being a prince and later a king by Jevon.  Jevon saw Flash's cowardice as an embarrassment to him and looked down on him for it.  Flash was more attached to his mother as she usually protected and defended him from Jevon's frustration towards his personality.  Unfortunately him and Flash as more alike than they both know.

Scythe- Scythe was like a brother to Jevon as they grew up together.  They would hang out with one another and goof off a lot.  Scythe was the more level headed and responsible of the two while Jevon was a troublemaker and more outgoing/ expressive.  Their relationship went south as Scythe and Jevon entered into the royal guard and one spot was left and only one of them could claim the spot.  Jevon was able to get the spot, accidentally wounding Scythe in the process of the fight Scythe forced, causing him the loss of his right eye. They have been enemies ever since.

Belle- Pretty much seeing her as a child Li brought into the family, Jevon didn't give her much attention even though he picked up the vibe that she didn't like him one bit.  He addressed her when he had to for Li but other than that he had nothing to do with her.  He left her to be Li's responsibility since she was made Li's right hand woman when she was the age to be so.

Drift- He was Jevon's trainer and tutor when Jevon was let into the royal guard.  He was pretty much the leader of the royal guard at that time.  He watched over him and made sure he was doing as he was supposed to.  After awhile Jevon started to look up to Drift as a father figure.  Drift had became Jevon's voice of reason in Jevon's trials and tribulations he faced while growing up from his teens to an adult.  In the future Jevon has Drift as his right hand man til Drift moved forward with a family of his own.

Roxxi- A bartender that Jevon met during his time of depression over the death of his mother.  Roxxi took the time to chat with Jevon and help him feel better from time to time.  This continued Jevon to come back from time to time on a more regular basis.  He didn't know she wasn't from that time period nor her background of spy work.  The two had became drinking buddies over time.

Solar- Initially meeting her through his journal he stayed in and learning at that time Krimson technically adopted her.  He grown attached to Solar through talking with her about his past mistakes and even rekindled his broken relationship with Flash to be closer than ever before.

Backstory: Jevon was born in the average middle class family and had the typical childhood.  Things started to take a turn when Jevon's father was drafted into battle and was killed in the process.  Jevon grew up taking care of his mother as she later started to grow ill.  He constantly went to the castle town pharmacy and picked up medicine for his mother to keep her well as best as he could.  At this time he also befriended Scythe who became his best friend since childhood.

 Through out his outings as a child he would often catch glimpses of the princess (Li'tronika), whether if it was during special events or posters and he developed a crush on her just based off looks.  Around his youth was when he learned about try outs about the royal guard and both he and Scythe became interested.  The royal guards are the guards who stay around the perimeter of the castle itself and around the royal family most often.  Jevon wanted to be a part of this to be close to the princess and Scythe picked up on this.  They both had the chance to try out when they were teens and the conflict that dented in Jevon's and Scythe's relationship was when one spot was left in the royal guard and they were the only two left for the one spot.  Scythe challenged Jevon suddenly as he knew Jevon was only trying out to get closer to the princess not for the kingdom of Spectra and it's people.  Jevon argued against this as it was true he loved the princess but he cared for the people as well and was going to do his best to protect this.  Scythe saw this as a lie and felt he was better fitted for the position and attacked Jevon.  While Jevon only defended himself he accidentally slashed out Scythe's eye.  Jevon automatically got the spot for the royal guard since he was better fit because of Scythe's impaired vision.  This ended Jevon and Scythe's close relationship and made them enemies since.

While being in the royal guard Jevon befriended Drift.  Drift was another memeber of the royal guard but was experienced.  He watched over Jevon and trained him on what to do.  He picked up that Jevon was pretty much a slacker, goof off, and flirty when the princess was around and had to put him back on track a lot of the time.  He also introduced him to the other members of the royal guard.  Over time of spending time together Jevon started to look up and depended on Drift as the new father figure in his life.  The other royal guard members became his new family.

During this time of the royal guard employment Jevon still took care of his ill mother when he had the time as still stop by the pharmacy and gave her the medicine that she needed.  Scythe's uncle happened to run the pharmacy, and knowing about what happened to Scythe at the royal guard tryouts, he started to give Jevon the wrong medicine on purpose.  Without knowing it Jevon was slowly poisoning his mother to her death and she eventually died.  This caused Jevon to go into a time of depression as his outgoing and joking personality took a 360 turn to a loner who didn't talk much.  He also resorted to drinking where he met Roxxi who he vented out to at the time about his issues at the bar.  This was also an new attitude that Princess Li'tronika picked up on.  She noticed that he didn't follow her as much, joke, or tried to flirt with her as often.  She then approached him instead and talked to him, learning about his issue and his losses.  She grew closer to him and more sympathetic towards Jevon as she comforted him.  This is when she started to express her feelings for him in return.

Later on when Jevon healed from the loss of his mother and been on nice terms with Li'tronika the castle became under attack by rebels, led by Scythe as he tried to get his revenge.  Scythe kidnapped the princess while her parents were away.  The royal guard managed to fend them off and Jevon had to save Li'tronika from Scythe.  Once he did he and Li'tronika shared their first kiss. Later on Li'tronika made the choice to marry Jevon in their early twenties. (Jevon was 25 at this time) Jevon was now the king of Spectra.  The newly wedded couple had their first child not to far from then.  Li'tronika named their child Krimson, due to him sharing her fur color of bright red.

Jevon raised Krimson to be his heir as he was very strict on him.  But they were very close to one another as Krimson first admired Jevon.  Jevon's sin of pride started to kick in when he suddenly started to abuse his power as king as the power was getting into his head.  Krimson picked up on this and tried to address his father about this but Jevon took this as Krimson trying to knock him down and he resorted to hitting Krimson to get him off his back.  From this point Krimson became distant from his father and closer to his mother.

Six years later Jevon and Li'tronika had another child, Neos, a purple child due to the blend of their fur colors.  Jevon admired Neos' tough attitude and fearlessness but didn't contribute much time into being a father to him til he banished Krimson a few years later as Neos had to take the crown after he did.  He taught Neos combat and such til the time Topaz was born.  Neos and Topaz vanished around the same time, Topaz still being a newborn and Neos a young child and Jevon and Li'tronika were heart broken having no idea what had happened to them. (This is explained in Topaz and or Neos' bios)

Almost eight years later Jevon and Li'tronika have their final child, Flash.  Jevon was very embarrassed and ashamed of Flash due to his cowardice.  Jevon probably had the most distant relationship with Flash from the very beginning as he didn't want much to do with him and saw him as a disappointment.  

When Flash hit the age of ten, the kingdom suddenly endured a terrorist attack from Don, which was a series of bombs going off in multiple locations throughout the kingdom. (explained in Neos' bio) This caused Li'tronika to be crushed under rubble.  Jevon tried to protect her as he tried to shield her but he managed to survive the attack.  When regaining consciousness later and seeing his kingdom destroyed and most of his people dead or had left he buried his wife.  He could not find Flash at all and he assumed he died as well.  Jevon took a different look, wearing a hat and a backpack, and continued on his life coping with this disaster that haunted him for the rest of his days till his death.  By this time Jevon had the title of being an infamous king by the mistreatment and ignorance he showed to his people.  There were many who rebelled against him and held hate for him.  In one of the bars he visited, a bartender recognized him and poisoned his drink.  This caused Jevon to have a silent death.  He was given a proper burial by an unknown source in old Spectra but Krimson had his burial moved to new Spectra when he rebuilds it, as well as Li'tronika's.  
Jevon still lives on as a spirit in a journal he wrote in, in a secret room that Krimson came across.  He can appear from time to time depending on who's there.  He refuses to show himself to any of his sons, except Flash, who he mended their relationship with.  He is embarrassed for the pain and damage he has caused but he watches his sons bring the fallen Kingdom of Spectra back to life.
===• • Powers • Weaknesses • Fears • •===

Jevon has the power of electricity and typical combat skills with and without a sword/ rapier. 
•- Weakness(es)
- His Pride sin
- Water (When using powers)
- Rubber
- Li'tronika (depending on the situation)
- temper
- regrets (can easily mess up his way of thinking)
- drinking (when depressed/ sad)

•- Fear(s)
- Someone close to him dying/ passing
- Sons' reputation being bad due to his actions
- Moving on to the after life because of what Li'tronika might think of him
- Leaving Li'tronika in the after life alone
- How his sons feel about him
-Being crushed

•- Trivia
- Jevon's personality is mostly shown through Topaz and Neos.
- The sin issue originated on Jevon's side of the family and has branched out to each of his sons.