Banananananana's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Vultur_Volans Global Rules
  • You are free to do anything with my designs. I literally do not care.
  • Please do not delete my desings off Toyhouse. You're 100% free to put them on auth only, just DON'T delete them.
  • I do not revoke desings. The character is now yours, I, as the designer don't hold any power on it.
  • You are free to redesign/edit the character as much as you'd like.
  • I kindly ask you that please do NOT use my desings to spread any hate messages, or do anything illegal/innmoral. You will get backlisted & called out.
  • This is not necessary but, feel free to tell me if you're putting a design I've made up for trade, sometimes I like to get back designs I've made now or on the past.
  • I'd prefer if you didn't gave/sell/trade my designs to minors. I am a openly an 18+ account. I do not want minors around my content.