


9 years, 8 months ago


Name: Elliot Lefeur/Elly Lefeur
Nicknames: El (Yan), Mother Hen (Beatrice, Jean)
Age: 24, pretends to be 19
Gender: gender fluid (literally)
Prefers he/his pronouns unless he's fully shifted into female. 
Race: mage --> shapeshifter
As a powerful mage with shapeshifter abilities, Elliot is able to change his appearance for a certain period of time. It depends on how major changes are - he can spend months in his usual disguise, yet some major things like changing his gender can barely last a day. Exceeding limits causes health problems, especially affecting mental health. He is good with other means of magic as well, but his skills are still obviously worse than Jean's.
Height: 165 cm | 172 cm in real form
Weight: 53 kg | 59 kg in real form
Birthday: 24th of October
Allegiance: Priomorus, born in Braicia
Occupation: chemist
Sexuality: homosexual
+ level-headed | sensible | caring | calm
+- short-spoken | bossy | good liar
- anxious | self-conscious | physically weak | easy to scare
Raised in an upper-class family, once the revolution hit Braicia, Elliot was forced to leave the country with his older brother. First years were hard for him, living in a society where the practice of sorcery was prohibited and having to struggle with money for the first time in his life were quiet a shock for boy of ten years old. Things got better upon Jean meeting Maria and then marrying her, but the woman also got the unfortunate brothers into the black market business. Since 18 years old, back when all of these events happened, Elliot got very well in their business thanks to his brilliant mind and magical abilities. Right now he owns a chemist's, as well as having a little side business with drugs and helping Maria out with her own business from time to time.
Sofia Lefeur - mother - mage - 54 years old - status unknown - famous pianist
Elmer Lefeur - father - mage - 67 years old - status unknown - state councillor, maecenas
Jean Lefeur - brother - mage - 31 year old - alive - black market trader
Jean Lefeur - their bond as brothers is not as strong as it was in childhood but they do get on well. As they aged the role of an "older sibling" somehow passed to Elliot and now he is the one to scold and make sure Jean doesn't get in danger. He cares a lot about his brother and thus often rejects Maria's offers to make more fun of her husband.
Yan Krapivin - Elliot's current crush. While disliking and maybe even hating each other at first, after knowing each other better and going through many difficult situations they're in quiet a warm relationship right now. Elliot and his calm attitude play a great role in taking care of Yan's anger issues which have only worsened once he got possessed by one of the Sins. Being the voice of reason, Elliot mainly succeeds in preventing any further conflicts between Yan and Beatrice. Elly's occasional resemblance to Yan's deceased wife may or may not be accidental.
Beatrice Bianchi - meeting at young age, their relationship is more like that of siblings than anything. Pretty much like with Yan, Elliot takes care of Beatrice's unreleased energy as well as her numerous medicine. He is the one who charmed her umbrella and also currently provides her with sleeping pills.
Maria Lefeur - does not quite like her but understands that they owe her a lot and is grateful for it.
Other Info:
- Thanks to his mother, Elliot can play piano well.
- His personality as Elly is slightly more confident and outspoken.
- Has no skill in healing charms, so he keeps a first-aid kit around instead.
- Has a lot of freckles and a crooked nose in his real form.
- Is very unhappy with his real appearence.