


9 years, 10 months ago


Name: Beatrice Bianchi
Nicknames: Bea, Tris (pretty much everyone), Vydra (Yan)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: human, has valkyrie roots
Beatrice does not possess any magic powers, but has a resistance to a variety of weak spells.
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Birthday: 11th of July
Allegiance: Priomorus
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: bisexual
+ cheerful | has good sense of humor | generous
+- stubborn | fearless | risky
- sarcastic | selfish | lazy
Beatrice grew up in a loving family in a big city and got famous in young age, winning several fencing tournaments for youth. It was not hard for her, considering her father's skill and brilliant military career. However, once her mother started drinking, things got worse. Things didn't get better and when Beatrice already was in her teenage years, after an especially intense fight with her husband, Roze got drunk enough to poison him. Later, once police figured out the culprit and mother was sent to the prison, Beatrice found shelter in her aunt's house. Now she eagerly helps Maria out, mainly by beating the debts out of her customers.
Roze Bianchi - mother - human with valkyrie roots - 45 years old - alive, imprisoned
Deltus Bianchi - father - human - deceased
Maria Lefeur - aunt (mother's side) - human with valkyrie roots - 30 years old - alive - black market trader
Elliot Lefeur - once she got into Maria's household, Elliot was the only other child in there, so it took no time for them to get along. Beatrice is very protective of Elliot. They also share enough secrets to get into huge trouble if someone else knows, so you can imagine their level of trust. 
Maria Lefeur - Beatrice's role model - successful, popular, witty. Girl absolutely iconize her aunt, often comparing her to the bad example of her own mother, and is willing to do almost anything for her.
Jean Lefeur - finds him BORING. Only tolerates him because of Elliot and Maria.
Yan Krapivin - mutual hatred - their first encounter ended up with him nearly killing the girl so it's no wonder. Will never stop wondering how the hell Elliot fell in love with this guy. However, Yan is one of the very limited number of people, who Beatrice is actually afraid of. 
Other Info:
- Is possessed by the Sin Of Sloth. Which makes her sleep last about 12 hours, so her body could handle it. The pros are however, resistance to nearly all kind of sedatives or poisons and an increased physical strength if she slept enough.
- The Mark is on left hand. Always covers it up, as even though literally everyone knows that they have whole two bearers of Sins in their group, nobody knows who for sure.
- Her umbrella is charmed by Elliot - it shifts into sword by her wish and is able to produce a small cloud of pulverized powerful soporific. Needs refill.