


5 years, 8 months ago


Age 21
Height 6'5" ft
Build Androgynous
Species Xynthii
Gender Genderfluid
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns They/He/She
Occupation Fashion Designer
Location Xygoroth
Creator ink-palette
Worth $45
Design Notes

  • Legendary/Seasonal: Cloud Hair
  • Very Rare: Double Halo (Head)
  • Very Rare: Mixed Teeth Material
  • Rare: Tongue Length
  • Rare: Single Halo (Hips)
  • Uncommon: Hip Spikes
  • Uncommon: Colored Sclera
  • Uncommon: Forked Tongue

Thati's a self-conceited perfectionist bitch. They judge people very harshly and they're not afraid to say anything insensitive. They're straightforward with their opinions, and it's pretty black and white. It's either good or it's shit. They're not the kind of person to usually lie unless it's about how they feel about themself. They have an inferiority complex, constantly comparing themself to others. They usually take this self-loathing and turn it into self-improvement, but it doesn't do much to stop themself from nitpicking at something else.


  • They have a deeply buried inferiority complex, which developed from a young age whenever they didn't do good at school and such.
  • They're running their own semi-popular clothing line.
  • They tend to juggle between their more masculine form and their feminine form, they treat it like it's part of their OOTD.
  • Thati is a snob. They're unwilling to associate with anything they deem as low-class.
  • They can defintely be a little power hunger at times.

Thati was expected to be number one. The pressure was on the second they learned how to do anything, as their whole family was very competitive, which heavily influenced how they are now. To try and gain her parents' love, they had to prove that they were worthy of it by becoming the number one student in their class. If Thati ever did even slightly bad in school, their parents would basically hold their love and kindness for them hostage until Thati could prove doing better next time.

Once Thati learned how to not mess up as often when it came to their grades and school as a whole, they were used to being praised a lot as a kid by their teachers and parents due to their stellar performance in almost everything. They grew up to be a snobbish, self-conceited bitch thanks to being given too much special attention. They would also basically try to make their classmates and peers worship them in a way, by trying to put all of them down while raising themself up a pedestal.

For the most part, they felt like they were on top of everybody. Everybody apart from this one Xynthii who seemed to refuse to bow down to them. Their name was 2D. This kid was Thati's classmate back in elementary, but they just seem to keep seeing each other during middle school and high school as well.

The one person that’s always refusing to submit to Thati and is always standing in their way is 2D, which is what's made them enemies to this day.

In college, they studied to be a powerful business employer. This was also around the time when they launched their own fashion line and tried to keep their business steady and smooth sailing. Their parents have heavily lessened their strictness on how they currently raise and talk to Thati, now that Thati is an adult, but Thati is and will still forever be damaged by the way that they raised them throughout their childhood.