
5 years, 7 months ago



Ava Rice








5’3” ft




University Student



Ava is a student attending university within the underground Nunuke society beneath planet Xygoroth.

She’s currently majoring in fashion design and aspires to be a fashion designer someday. To fund her tuition, she also works part-time as an escort.

As an escort, Ava gets paid by rich, older Nunuke men to go out on dates with them and accompany them in big social events. Basically, she’s like a sugar baby, except she’s also still enrolled in school and cares about finishing her degree.

She only plans on quitting her sugar baby gig once she’s officially gotten herself a job as a fashion designer. For now, however, she’s sticking to it since it makes her a lot of money.


Ava is, to put simply, a greedy bitch who thinks that she’s better than everyone when it comes to looks and wealth. She’s very high-maintenance, very spoiled rotten and stubborn. Whenever it comes to buying stuff, and she probably has a shopping addiction of some kind, she’ll only think about buying stuff for herself. The thought of buying for others usually doesn’t cross her mind at first, since she prioritizes buying for her more.

She’s arrogant, cocky, and just a bit on the narcissistic side overall.

If she likes you, finds you decent, or finds you useful to her in any way, she’s surprisingly loyal and will try to keep you around by defending you if someone ever insults you or something of the like. At least she’s not constantly bitchy to everyone.


Like most Nunukes, Ava was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense.

Although in her case, she has two tails, one of which had been bound to her twin sister Iris throughout their whole childhood.

She also has magnetic arms, so her arms have a natural magnetic pull to them.


Ava Rice was raised in a wealthy family, hence one of the big reasons for why she can be so entitled and snobbish.

When Ava was born, she discovered that she was bound to her twin sister Iris through a conjoined tail. According to their parents and the doctor, they could not separate from each other until they became of age, or when puberty ended for them.

So, throughout her entire childhood and teen years, Ava was constantly stuck with Iris. Let’s just she and Iris would often engage in a lot of noisy bickers and quarrels since they would mostly not get along with each other well. Both of them were so different, like oil and water, and constantly going at each other.

Ava was always wanting to go out for parties, go out shopping at later times (while they both liked shopping and had the same sense of style, Iris would always want to go home earlier), and just have some fun. Meanwhile, Iris was an uptight prick who wanted silence, peace, and a boring day full of reading.

Now, after years of being stuck with each other, Ava and Iris are finally separate once high school ended for them, for once in their lives. Ava’s currently enjoying the freedom that comes with being her own person. They never want to go through the experience of being bound together ever again, even if they can at will.


Although Ava has more than enough to fund for her tuition thanks to her wealthy family background, she takes pride in being a sugary baby for the time being. She likes the attention and she likes that she can get what she wants just for acting a certain way. To her, it’s all like a fun little game.

Ava doesn’t clean after herself. Her wardrobe is just absolute mayhem and is constantly cluttered with clothes, some of which she’s never worn more than once. Meanwhile, her drawers back in her dorm are stuffed to the brim with a wide range of accessories, makeup supplies, and more. The only thing she’s missing are hair tools, but that’s only because she doesn’t ever use hair tools since her hair is made out of bat-shaped wings.

She doesn’t necessarily hate her sister Iris entirely, they have a love-hate relationship more than anything. Ava just feels like she’s the only one who can make fun of her sister sometimes, because anyone else that does is immediately on her kill list.


F8-B6-BB2-F-9197-492-B-8-F2-E-0831-CEB8- Iris Rice


MTAUaPe.jpg Mordecai Franchouchou

bestie since high school

637-DC26-F-0-F02-432-F-8-A99-DF6-B046447 Thati

close long-distance friend

F0-C61684-BF4-F-4891-8766-99664-BD6-B495 Jacob Singh

uptight smartass that's also her sister's friend

eDLd6Yg.jpg Pamela Mew

annoying frenemy

ADC97532-2315-4112-A00-E-572-CACC35864.p Vera Glaskova

annoying cousin

53924269-F630-4-A1-E-9-FA7-1-DE26-C7-CAB Wren Laural

grouchy classmate

Yeah, that looks cute on you, but if you really think about it, wouldn’t it look cuter on me?
