Akho's Comments

Heyo^^ does anyone from these links interest you?:0 I can also offer art or custom designs



Would you be willing to part with https://toyhou.se/8913352.sendula


cool! transfer them over and ill send akho your way!
also is sendula part of a species? if so this trade might need to be confirmed on a masterlist

Sounds good! And yup she is part of a species I’ve just updated her ml submission on the species disc^^ info about them can be found on @/ thegoosemahn (who is the species owner) and the permanent ml will be on insta ( https://instagram.com/stardustedvalley ) but the species is still being worked on atm

ah, i wont be able to access the masterlist then as i wont get instagram for personal reasons (and i dont want to join any servers on discord), would you be able to let the owner know that ill be redesigning sendula into a normal anthro character?

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