Axel Bartholomew Wexler



5 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Axel Bartholomew Wexler
Age: 17
Height: 5'10’’

Axel is an arrogant, rebellious troublemaker—his idea of ‘fun’ is using his shadow magic and spell-casting to taunt and trick others for his own personal entertainment. Although he doesn’t intentionally inflict harm on others, some of his shenanigans have mistakenly resulted in a few…catastrophic occurrences.

Axel is very vain; he’ll spend ages fixing himself up to look as spiffy as possible, not wanting a HAIR out of place. He spends much of his time talking down to others in an attempt to make himself appear superior, although most of what he says is so hilariously untrue it just results in laughter and jabs against him. Axel will often exaggerate and twist the truth, lying his way out of dealing with problems or completing tasks he doesn’t want to do—thankfully, he’s not smart enough to get away with a lie for very long, and one way or another ends up having to deal with the issue at hand anyway—but not without grumbling and whining all the while, of course.

Despite his outwards display of confidence, Axel is very cowardly and secretly fears opening up to others on a personal level. Deep down, he feels horribly guilty for having ruined his friendship with Waylon, but doesn’t know how to confront the issue and would much rather brush it off completely whenever it comes to mind. No matter what he does, he lacks the ability to reverse any problems at hand with his shadow magic, as he barely knows how to correctly use his powers at all—they even tend to mysteriously switch off at times.


-Despite being polar opposites, Axel and Waylon are twins. Axel claims that he's 5 seconds older and that Waylon's just a filthy copycat.

-mechanical wings were originally a prized possession crafted by his father many years ago; Axel was repeatedly warned not to so much as touch them, but nowadays there’s no one around to stop him.

-hoards shiny trinkets and objects; does not let anybody NEAR his collection

-has an irrational hatred for blueberries; constantly worried about being called a blueberry as if it’s a verbal attack

-uses a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and objects in name calling. Example: “You ABSOLUTE ALMOND!” Thinks he’s REALLY cutting deep.

-sleeps on the broken top half of a bunk bed he used to share with Waylon when they were children

-loves pouncing, roaring, rough-housing, flying, and scratching the back of his ear with his hind leg

-suffers from severe nightmares/night terrors, but refuses to talk about them afterwards.

-secretly jealous that Malcolm has a belly button and he doesn’t