Zesty Lemon



5 years, 8 months ago


  • Zesty Lemon

  • Name Zesty Lemon
  • Age 22
  • Gender Female
  • Species Slime (Lemon)

A sharp-tongued slime girl with an attitude as sour as her flavour. Her weapon is a staff called the Sour Sceptre, which houses her sub-core and as such is able to produce slime.


DoB:August 29th
Trademark Colour:Yellow
Hair Colour:Yellow
Eye Colour:Yellow
Significant Other:Pop (Girlfriend)
  • Bullying
  • Spreading rumours
  • Rap music
  • Swear words
  • Being stood up to
  • Big boobs
  • Wimpy crybabies
  • People taller than her


Despite her cutesy looks, Zesty Lemon is an impolite and cruel gal who is completely incapable of common kindness. She's constantly hurling snide, or outright spiteful, insults about anyone who has the misfortune of coming across her. Sadistically loving every second of her hateful nastiness, Zesty enjoys having a good laugh about the hurt feelings of her victims, and doing so right in their face satisfies her immensely.

Although she's all to happy to be mean to others, she's can't take an insult herself to save her life. Particularly when it comes to comments about her stature, she's easy to provoke into a state of uncontrollable rage. Zesty's incredibly vindictive and is quick to hold an everlasting grudge against someone, only worsening her already awful treatment of them. Her vengeful hatred often leads to her spreading nasty rumours in order to slander her enemies and completely smear their image in the eyes of others, in hopes of completely ruining their lives.

In short, she's a bitch.


  • As Zesty's sub-core is separated from her main body, housed instead in the orb of her staff, she has great difficulty shapeshifting.


Zesty is infuriated by the masochistic Pop, as the raspberry slime seems to actively enjoy her insults and bullying to ecstatic degrees. The frustration this ignites in Zesty only serves to see her continue to bully her constantly, unable to process that this only increases Pop's infatuation with her. In a way, this has somehow led to the pair becoming a twisted sort of couple, in a relationship that seems completely toxic with Pop completely addicted to Zesty's abuse. Though Zesty refuses to acknowledge their relationship, she is surprisingly protective of Pop in a way, refusing to let anybody but herself demean her. Even she doesn't completely understand her reasoning behind this, which frustrates her, which makes her abuse Pop more, rinse and repeat.



Zesty is constantly at Choo-Choo's throat as one of the most common victims of her bullying. The two detest one another and Zesty is unable to resist instigating a confrontation whenever she spots her foe. She is determined to thoroughly break Choo-Choo into a blubbering mess, unaware that she's already done so countless times. Although, knowing how much her hurtful treatment has wounded Choo-Choo psychologically would only serve to satisfy and even encourage her honestly.
