


5 years, 8 months ago



Name Kieran
Age 26
Build Heavyset
Species Human
Gender Cis Male
Oreint. Demisexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Artist
Creator whynotuber
Design Notes

  • Harvest Moon / Rune Factory Setting
  • His pupils are white, not black.
  • His wardrobe is nothing but Hawaiian-esque shirts, baggy pants, and flip-flops. He has one giant white coat that he wears when working to avoid getting paint on himself.

If one could describe the size of Kieran’s heart, they would say bigger than even a buffamoo or elefun. His mannerisms and behavior around others is always overflowing with sweetness and compassion. His kindness can only get him so far, however, as he is overtly lax and straight out lazy when it comes to doing the most basic of tasks. He is an ambivert; being social in small circles but only to a certain extent as he gets overwhelmed easily. He will usually try to sneak out of social interactions if he feels his ‘battery’ is running low.


  • His eyes are not naturally pink but instead brown. Their current state is a byproduct of a potion given to him by his friend Ysolde. His new eyes can see vividly to the point of mild discomfort.
  • He wears baggy clothes because he's a bit insecure about his chubby body. He's not fit and muscular like a majority of the guys in town.
  • He's extremely talented at painting portraits but he rarely makes them and instead sticks to scenery.
  • His ideal future involves him being a stay-at-home parent with four children and a loving spouse. He is enamored with the idea of a loving family environment. (spoiler he gets exactly that)

If Kieran could describe his childhood, he would call it a subtle yet slow suffocation. His parents were loving but strict, doing everything they possibly could to keep him on the path they thought best for him. Schooling, activities, and even his eventual career were all decided for him at an early age despite his innocent protests. However, groomed from an early age, he was unable to see just how wrong it all was-- Until he got to high school and met his art teacher that is.

It was Lauren who gave him the slight push to realize just how much he enjoyed the arts, painting especially. Art class quickly turned into a small safe space away from the crushing reality slowly creeping up on him. However, Kieran was hesitant to bring his passion forth to his parents and lover who were all expecting him to go to nursing school. The jaws of reality almost had their grip secured, but Kieran decided to escape from his family (and ex fiancé) instead of facing them directly about his hidden desire. He moved into a place of his own and continued to study with his former high-school teacher, Lauren.

When Lauren’s wife passed away, she informed him of her intent to move to Ogregati; the very city where her departed grew up. Kieran, eager to go wherever she went, decided to move as well.


  • Sleeping
  • Reading
  • Children
  • Music

  • Animals with Fur (He's allergic)
  • Loud Places
  • Swimming
  • Heights

Octavia | Lover / Wife

Kieran's one true love and partner in life. He slowly but surely became enamored with the town's bar singer after moving and worked up the courage to ask her out. He considers himself extremely lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful and caring partner.

Jeanne | Friend / Ex fiancé

Childhood friends who thought they were meant to be when they were really just together out of convenience. The sudden end to their engagement left them on rocky terms for years until they were finally able to awkwardly patch things up. Kieran considers Jeanne his closest friend.

Ysolde | Friend

Kieran considers Ysolde a friend despite the weird experiments she has him assist with. More times than not he plays victim as her potion's test dummy.