Misty Meadows



5 years, 9 months ago



  -  KEY INFO -  

⊳ Name - Misty Meadows

⊳ Age - 16

⊳ Sex - Female

⊳ Birthday - June 8th (Gemini)

⊳ Occupation - High school student

⊳ Summary - A pleasant enough young lady who strives to crawl out of her mother's extravagant shadow and be popular.


Misty is quite mature for her age, having to act responsible in the place of her free-spirited mother. She studies hard and does decently well in school, in the hopes that she will not end up like Maggie whom she considers a bit 'uneducated'. Despite her relative maturity however, Misty still falls prey to the menace of high school and is obsessed with being popular, a goal inspired by her feelings of being overshadowed by her mother's fraternisation with her classmates. She wants to be seen as more than just "Maggie's daughter" and desperately clings to anything that can help her be seen as more of her own person, even if it clashes with her actual interests, only to often end up crushed when Maggie involves herself as well in the end. She also wants boys to like her, even though she doesn't have any particular interest in any of the ones she knows.


  -  HISTORY  - 



Maggie - 

Taro - 

Stacie- Stacie is Misty’s best friend, possibly the only one who manages to appreciate her for herself instead of just as Maggie’s daughter. The two are very close and constantly in one another's company, even having regular sleepovers since they were little. When it comes to Misty's desperation to escape from her mother's shadow, Stacie can be a bit dense and hurt her feelings sometimes unwittingly, but she doesn't hold it against her. She is however notably uncomfortable with how creepy Stacie can be when pursuing her crushes...

Peg - 

Marigold - 


  -  MISC. TRIVIA  - 

⊳ Her favourite colour is salmon and her favourite food is sushi.

Likes: Flowers, fish (as pets and as food), sports and exercise, plush toys

Dislikes: Video games, action movies, salt, when people mistake her mother for her sister