Peg Callahan



5 years, 9 months ago



  -  KEY INFO -  

⊳ Name - Margaret 'Peg' Callahan

⊳ Age - 18

⊳ Sex - Female

⊳ Birthday - December 4th (Sagittarius)

⊳ Occupation - High school student

⊳ Summary - A gloomy, apathetic young lady with delusions of gaming grandeur.


Peg is an apathetic young woman who doesn’t see the point in pretending to be happy if she’s not. As such she's not known for expressing interest in much around her. Her gloomy attitude stems being subject to the whims of her mother's self-destructive lifestyle, the two having such a sour relationship that Peg refuses to even acknowledge her most of the time, having simply grown numb to her presence. She does care for a few people, particularly her sweet little sister Stacie and weighed-upon boyfriend Crispin, who seem to be the only one who understand her minor displays of affection, which don't seem like anything at all to others.

One thing Peg does find herself engrossed in however is fighting games, often neglecting her studies and social life to play games. This passion is so strong that, once she discovers Maggie's past a former professional, she chooses to try and pursue the gaming life as a career as well. This decision sparks a fire that seems out-of-character for her usual self, developing a competitive side and acknowledging other players as rivals to be overcome. She can however be quite the sore loser and, given her usual seemingly apathetic attitude, this can lead to some unfortunate outbursts of frustration.

  -  HISTORY  - 



Stacie - 

Candace - 

Maggie - 

Crispin - 

Misty - 

Maribel - 


  -  MISC. TRIVIA  - 

⊳ Her favourite colour is black and her favourite snack is nachos with cheese.

⊳ Her main in Bear Knuckle Bash is Pwnda, a panda that uses precise, combo-heavy rushdown martial arts, similar to Wolverine in Marvel vs. Capcom. 

Likes: Video games, techno music, chess, monochrome

Dislikes: Rowdy teens, sports fans, alcoholics, gloating