mercy halls (02. relationship)



 ▶ r e l a t i o n s h i p s 

noah halls - mercy’s father

mercy’s father taught her everything he knew about hunting demons and ghosts. He is a very caring father if a bit overprotective and paranoid (somewhat justifiably given how many enemies they both have). he is always willing to drop everything he’s doing and help mercy if she needs it.

patience halls - mercy’s mother

mercy barely knew her mother as she died when mercy was very young. She heard from her father that her mother is the reason that mercy can see demons and ghosts.

“h.p.” - the eldritch horror she made a deal with

when mercy died, she was resurrected and the creature that brought her back wanted to make a deal. The deal was to allow it to follow her around to be able to see the world. Despite how powerful they are h.p. is incredibly naive about the outside their dimension and relies on mercy to explain things