


5 years, 7 months ago



"Y-you really want me to wear this?..."
Basic Info

Name Madara
Age 22
Height 5'9"
Weight 130 lbs
Gender Female
Species Dainty
Dictionary # 1981
Ear Type Goat
Hoof Type Pony
Occupation Demonic fashion model
Orientation Lesbian
Host | S/O N/A
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Almost always wears an eyepatch over her left eye- the patch changes with her outfit
  • Always wears lipstick! she likes unnatural colors
  • Not particularly busty- wears 34B
  • eyeballs on stockings are just a flat fabric pattern

  • Gravely injured her eye as a kid, She broke through a window and landed on the shattered glass- she had a lot of scars from it but they are pretty much unnoticeable now.
  • Madara had a hard time booking gigs on earth because of having such a distinct look with her stockings and eyepatch- this is what makes her popular in hell though!
  • Has clammy hands always

Despite coming off as confident, professional and cool-headed, Madara is full of inner turmoil. She has an anxious mind and is prone to sweating when put into an uncomfortable situation, and has trouble speaking up when she is unhappy or worried. Despite her inner nerves, she is able to keep a calm exterior and is an excellent model- shes practiced so much that she goes on an "autopilot" of sorts when in front of a camera. Which is a good skill to have, when you are wearing living clothes or jackets made of flesh for your new job in Hell.


  • Lipstick and makeup- has a huge makeup collection and would be a beauty guru in another life!
  • Sweets- super fond of cannolis and macrons
  • Having fans and being popular

  • Most of the food in hell- pretty much all of it moves
  • Wearing clothes that move, drip or smell weird (read: all of them)
  • Despite getting used to most demons, every now and then one's appearance freaks her out

Growing up on earth in a city with a high Dainty population, Madara has always wanted to be a model. Despite her endless practice, she wasn't ever able to book enough gigs or get enough notoriety to be able to make modeling her sole career. This changed however, when she was given a mysterious modeling ad at a bar. Figuring there was nothing to lose and having taken shadier gigs before, Madara went to the listed address only to find herself in front of a portal to hell, being dragged in by her new booking agent. Now Madara is one of hell's hottest rising models, wearing the hottest and most ghastly fashion hell has to offer.


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.