


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Pomeranian Husky


I can't see through my tears he's s o p r e t t y oml

Vainemuinn Atlas - Whimsical and capricious, Vaine has a flighty, devil-may-care mien that can often rub others the wrong way. Especially when paired with his quiet arrogance. There is no need for showy displays of his immense magical ability, as it's apparent in the hum of the very air around him. The power hasn't quite gone to his head, but Vainemuinn still feels it excuses his lackadaisical approach to things and frequent cat naps. And also his finding any excuse to use it for frivolous pursuits- such as playing dress up with his Queen. Vainemuinn likes for others to underestimate him, acting the part of the fool or a vain airhead who can barely follow the flow of more important conversations. In doing so, he effectively creates the image of a Queenmaker with more power- and vanity- than brains, which serves to mark him a clueless threat and makes Ihstarra appear all the more competent in the eyes of her people and potential enemies. He often works to make her shine as brightly as she does in his eyes, but this means that he's prone to going behind her back to take care of problems that she finds distasteful. When they're alone, Vaine tends to be an unapologetic show-off and is just a bit shy of obvious in how much he cares for her. He can act cool and flippant all he wants- There are one too many instances in which he's made it rather clear that he'd do anything for her. He continues to live in denial, however, and insists- to himself- that he can leave any time he wants.

("Oh there you are, hm? I wasn't waiting for you, I just happened to fall asleep here."
"Vaine, your tail is wagging.")