[Closed] Emergency Comms




Heya guys!

It is that time of the year again xD But joking aside, I am this time not opening these for myself, but for my family, specifically my mum^^  My family was never really well off, but it would seem that things just took a turn for the worse and I really want to help! My mum has been working freelance these last couple years, I will not go into details, but it would seem she is no longer getting any clients and therefore has to stop and get a new job, all while having had financial trouble over the last couple months, and all the savings are used up by now, so!

I am opening some emergency commissions, all money earned this way will go to my mum <3 She has always been there for me and helped through my worst times and it is time I give something back :3


What I am mostly offering are commissions based on a pay what you want basis, they will work similar to my experimental commissions, aka you will get at least what you paid for, but most likely more!

Or! If you have something specific in mind, you can also order my regular commissions with 30% off!!
Here is the journal with my TOS: https://www.deviantart.com/silversh4dows/journal/Open-Commissions-983790985


Just a quick reminder, I also have pride ych that I am offering at the moment and the raffle over on DA is also still on! :3

And, while I do not really like to take money in exchange for  nothing, I am putting my ko-fi here in case you are not interested in my  art, but still wanna help with a little donation (I ask you to not  donate large sums though and please make sure you are able to support  yourself and your family first before you donate any money)

Also, quick note, I am trying my best to get all owed art done this  week and then work on these commissions in the next 2 weeks, so  hopefully they'll all be done in the first week of June latest! However,  as mentioned in other posts, my physical and mental health are a tad  unpredictable atm, so I cannot make any promises >.< (Yes, I am  working on getting these sorted out, I just struggle with getting  appointments bc our system sucks sometimes xD)

Anyways, thank you for checking these out and your support!! <3
And I hope you are all doing well :3