Hewow :3
I wanted to ask if I could commission you for a small refsheet?
The oc is the attached one, shes human/humanoid. Mainly looking for one colored (not shaded) full and maybe a closeup on the face to show of the eyes and "scar".
I currently have around 35$, sadly dont have more, but if youre interested lmk! :3
My dms are open too if you want to msg me there.

Have a nice day and I hope you get some money together!!

Hi there!
I can totally do that!! I can see her design kinda varies in the art gallery though, is there a specific one you would like a reference of? :3

Yeh thats the issue Ive been having, the newest formed I designed would be this one. https://toyhou.se/4072035.chan-sona#81560298
from top to bottom, the hair stays the same in color the only thing that changes (compared to the colored chibi) on the head would be the ears, Im thinking about making them the same black as the wings and tail.
The "spikes" on the shoulders and thigs are white, the legs stay black like the chibi.
oh yeh eyes... eh the white ring is a bit shiny/ has a glow and the sclera I usually go with a dark purple :3

ehm trying to think of anyhting else I changed.... oh yeh she now has a white triangle on her chest.
if you want I can totally quickly give you a colored version of the sketch.

fr I really dislike designing my own sona xD its so hard :'D

I see, I see :3 I can work with that! I'd also appreciate the coloured version of the sketch, but I can also work off the description and then send you a couple sketches and wips along the way, so you can let me know what needs changing :3

Oh yeah, I struggled a lot with my own sona too and changed and adjusted the design a couple times and also redid her from scratch, so I feel that xD

With the discount a flat fullbody and a bust would be 28€/30$ unless you would like to add something else :3

Ill get the colored version to you as soon as I can :3
And yeh I can totally do the 30$/€
Do you want me to pay it up front total, or half half? I dont mind either option.

Ok great, thank you! <3 I am going through my to do list as quick as possible, but it'll take a while til I get to yours, so take your time :3
I usually charge after the sketch gets approved, but I'll send you a note with my paypal mail and you can decide if you want to pay now or wait for the sketch and then pay :3 (I just like to send it so I don't forget xD)

Also, thanks so much for helping out and commissioning me! <3