πŸ’• -- γ€Š Etmere 》



5 years, 9 months ago



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A young elf that hails from a family of renowned archers. However, due to being rather uninterested in archery, he goes off on his own path.


Age 20 years old
species Elf
height 168cm /5'5"ft
Gender Male
class Champion
orientation Homosexual
relationship taken
hometown Payon


  • company
  • playing pranks
  • silly jokes
  • sweets

  • lonliness
  • getting lost
  • getting misunderstood
  • the heat


Is rather straightforward with what he says and is thinking, but is almost always keeping a deadpan expression, as showing emotions through his face doesn't come too naturally for him. He can smile more naturally than he can show negative emotions, so smiling isn't too much of a problem for him as much as it is showing his anger or sadness. He is aware that he is terrible at expressing facial expressions, which is why he has a tendency to exaggerate his expressions (even smiling) or the things he's saying to try to get things across.

However, due to the fact that Etmere enjoys memeing and messing around, it only makes it harder to figure out whether or not he actually means what he's saying.


  • His archery is decent, but he lacks practice after sticking to punching things for so long.
  • Not that good at healing magic.
  • Wishes he could do something about his lack of direction, but has long since come to terms with being unable to do anything about it
  • Covers his mouth with his scarf when he's embarrassed or flustered.


Depending on his concentration, the better his aim will be. Unlike his siblings, Etmere does not have a genius' level of insight when it comes to archery however it is not bad at all.


Learned how to make a basic trap due to his upbringing, but due to his lack of direction, can never make his way back to a trap he laid to check for prey or whatnot.


Has a knack for constantly getting lost. Absolutely incapable of getting anywhere in a short amount of time.




As a child born into a family well known for producing generations and generations of skilled archers, Etmere's parents' expectations of the elf were sky-high. With his numerous older siblings making names for themselves, his parents believed the same circumstances would happen to their new child.

Only, Etmere’s motivations to continue their family tradition were not what was on his mind. To couple with that, Etmere was not nearly as talented as his older siblings at archery. These facts set a tone of disappointment toward Etmere and his growth as an archer. It didn’t help the young elf either that he was directionally challenged.

The incapability to perform as well as his siblings, paired with the fact that he could hardly even navigate the family home, eventually led Etmere to be cared for less and less. The neglect from his parents made his siblings and family servants neglect him as well. It was to the point where if Etmere were to get lost outside the premises of the family home, his parents and siblings might not notice until days later. Such an occurrence did happen once, in which his absence was only addressed three days later, finding him in the Payon forest.

This occurrence helped Etmere garner the sympathy and pity of a select few of his siblings and family servants. Thanks to that, Etmere should have been paid more from then on.

Despite all this, Etmere managed to keep his positivity through his younger years and carries that same cheerful attitude to this day.


As he grew, it became more apparent to both Etmere and his family that he was not cut out for the family profession. Wanting to find his path, Etmere would eventually leave home for the greater world of Rune Midgard. How he survived independently with his abysmal sense of direction is a complete mystery. Somehow finding his way to Prontera, Etmere eventually joined the church as an acolyte.

Here he would meet two lifelong friends, Jishui and Isika, two acolytes that joined at a similar time as him. Though Jishui was a bit prickly to the two, somehow Etmere and Isika would get through the walls the elf put up and adventured with each other for a time as they made it through their respective job choices. For Etmere, this is how he would find his calling as a Champion, a class where one relied on their mighty fists and physical strength to take down enemies.

During this journey, Etmere would awaken to his feelings for the other elf, Jishui. Jishui, despite being rather foul-mouthed, would always help Etmere. Even if Jishui complained, he would still look for the other elf when Etmere got lost. And though Jishui always claimed he would leave party members behind if they got downed, Jishui always returned to save Etmere. The kind gestures hidden behind Jishui’s rude comments moved Etmere, who was frankly instead used to biting language from childhood.


Eventually, the three would have to split ways as they all made their way to different paths in life. Isika would go off on her adventure, while Jishui was the only one out of the three to walk the path of a priest. Out of worry, Jishui, who had a home in Prontera, would offer Etmere a place to stay. Etmere would take on this offer, and the two live together to this day. While Jishui, a priest, went off to pursue a career in exorcism, Etmere pursued a career as an adventurer. Finding a party that understood and worked around Etmere’s shortcomings, he parties with these people even now, tackling the infamous Endless Tower for a living.



jishui β€’ Partner

Etmere’s best friend, and one of the acolytes he met with on his travels. Enjoys messing with him to a degree, and is more or less aware that it irritates Jishui, but Etmere finds his reactions a bit fun so he has a hard time not messing with him. Tries not to go too overboard with it, but Jishui's fuse is short so he constantly meets Jishui's fists. Etmere claims it doesn't hurt.
Has a vague idea of Jishui's royal background due to being an elf, however he has little interest in politics or royalty to know to figure it out exactly. Appreciates that Jishui still sticks around when he gets lost despite all the curses flying out of his mouth. Due to the fact Jishui never gave up on Etmere even while cursing him high and low, Etmere came to develop feelings for him.
Aware of his own feelings for Jishui but isn’t sure how Jishui feels, nor does he think Jishui would believe him if he told him in the first place so he’s trying to be better at showing sincere emotions.


isika β€’ Friends

Etmere’s best friend, and one of the two acolytes he met with on his travels. The source of his inspiration to become a monk and later a champion. Genuinely admires her strength and composure. Also genuinely amazed at her capability to find lost objects, including himself. Is honestly a bit embarrassed when she holds his hand to get him where they need to get to, but is nonetheless grateful for it. Loves to share memes with.


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