NE | Medium



5 years, 7 months ago


"So, thats what the spirits have today... huh."

keeps to themself quiet friendly (to the dead) mysterious


Name | Mylo Called | Medium
Age | 16 Gender | She / He / They
Height | 5'3 Build | Normal
Origin | Town Race | Lamb
Alignment | Neutral Good Theme | my time (instrumental redo)


  • the spirits
  • fellow townies
  • has an interest in necro, psychic, hypnotist, disguiser, and witch
  • when people die (it sounds bad and they know it does, but they believe they've passed on to a better life and that they hold more info and are therefore more useful... so they dont mind SKs or werewolves much and find them a bit helpful)
  • To add onto that, they somewhat try to get the people they want to be friends with killed, whether it be on accident or on purpose so they can contact them and talk to them from the dead. Generally leading a werewolf, vampire, or serial killer by their house. So they... are a tiny bit bad in that sense.


  • most people in the coven or mafia except disguiser, hypno, hex master, and necro
  • spicy stuff (they have sensitive tastebuds and they'll start panting and sweating)
  • somewhat of a clean / organization freak / perfectionist, so if anything gets unorganized they'll get really annoyed and fix it to the best of their ability. so basically, dislikes messy or dirty things
  • sex, and therefore also the escort and consort.


  • They tend to stay silent when the town is talking, which usually tends to make them seem suspicious and most suspect them of being a witch or a vampire.
  • They are extremely anxious especially with mafias, covens, and murderers around, and think of the spirits that they contact as a defense mechanism. They seem to think the dead will protect them, which is why they aren't against the idea of others except them and the people they really care for dying. They also seem to contact the dead a lot and think of them all as friends, even if some of them are murderers.
  • Will never go anywhere without their cloak. They sometimes put on their hoodie, and they usually do this when contacting spirits to ""look cool.""
  • Tends to stumble and lose balance if they run too fast.

ghostcallin' |


Mylo was a small child, at the age of 8 when their grandparents died. Their grandparents were there for them much much more then their real ones, and they wished desperately to see them again.

Skip over a few years, and they've agressively studied many forbidden ways of how to contact spirits. They set their entire room up as a playplace for the dead, esentially. When it succeeded, they cried of joy. They finally got to see their grandma and grandpa again.

Skip again to 2 years past, they've talked with over a thousand spirits, considering every single one as their friend. They've said that when they die of old age, they'll be happy to see the many friends they gained.



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