Étienne Moreau



5 years, 7 months ago


Name meaning: “crown”
Full name: Étienne Claude Fernand Moreau
Nicknames: Titi, Tienne, Qu’à cela ne tienne, Chou, Le gros
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Male (he/him)
Birthdate: August 14, 1907
Height: 172 cm / 5’6”
Nationality: French (Parisian)
MBTI: INTP - The Architect
Aligment: Chaotic Good - “The Rebel”
Occupation: High school student at the Lycée Henri-IV
Religion: Atheist
Handedness: Right-handed
Orientation: Homosexual
“In my opinion, everything, every shape, every bit of natural form, animals, people, pebbles, shells, anything you like are all things that can help you to make a sculpture.” — Henry Moore

  • Sculpture
  • Jules
  • Red ale
  • Blueberries
  • Walks
  • Hugs
  • Jokes about queer people
  • Capitalism
  • Violence
  • Intrusive behaviour
  • Snails
  • Economics


Quite withdrawn into himself due to his constant fear of others finding reasons to bully him, Étienne apprehends a lot that his sexual orientation would be found out and that he will be exposed to the public eye. He thinks that what happens in a relationship only concerns the people involved in it and that nothing and no one should have the right to judge it and let alone reveal it to the public. He still remains someone with whom it is very interesting to speak and who will never judge you. Étienne enjoys going out with his friends and his boyfriend, Jules, a lot and turns out to be someone with a good sense of humour when he opens up to you.

When he was around 6 years old, his parents thought that it would be nice to register their son for art courses, he then chose by himself to only pursue the sculpture course. He loves to carve in anything and everything, let it be a stick he found or an old coin laying in his pocket, everything can become a true work of art between his hands. For quite some time, carving was the only thing that helped him to keep his head out of the water when facing the realisation of his sexuality, and even today it remains his way of letting his problems go for a while. He doesn’t really have a “fixed” style when it comes to carving, as he loves to discover new techniques to realise his projects. He hopes to be recognized as one of the greatest sculptors of his time and prove his worth to the world.

Étienne is the cadet of three siblings and is very protective of his little sister Anne, by 8 years his junior. Their parents’ business in the automobile sector brings them the income to make a comfortable life. They are, and have been for many years now, considered as part of the upper middle class and this is why, when his brother, Armand, who is now going on his 25th year, announced that he just got engaged, guaranteeing his place as the next head of the family and president of Moreau Automobile, it gave Étienne the opportunity to follow his artistic dream without worrying about the succession of the family business.

  • Keep in mind when drawing
  • He has a pretty large figure with really soft features.
  • He has a leather sculptor pouch that he carries around in his school bag or attached to his belt.
  • Trivia
  • Despite expectations due to his soft appearance and demeanour, Étienne has a really deep voice, being considered a bass-baritone. He is also naturally vocally skilled, but doesn’t make any real use of it aside from humming mindlessly while working.
  • Étienne is also pretty physically strong, he often offers to help the owner of the bar where he and his friends go to if the man is putting away his last delivery.




Friend and confident



Best friend









Friend and leader



1. Architecture (Jules) 2. Sculpture (Étienne) 3. Painting (Jean) 4. Music (Louis) 5. Literature (Olivier) 6. Performing (Émile) 7. Film (Lucien)