Émile Petit



5 years, 7 months ago


Name meaning: “rival”
Full name: Émile Gaston Alphonse Petit
Nicknames: Mimi, Zola, Émilie, Garçonnet, Fillette
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male (he/him)
Birthdate: October 3, 1908
Height: 165 cm / 5’5”
Nationality: French (Parisian)
MBTI: ENTJ - The Field Marshall
Aligment: Lawful Neutral - “The Judge”
Occupation: High school student at the Lycée Henri-IV
Religion: Calvinist Protestant
Handedness: Right-handed
Orientation: Bisexual
“When actors are talking, they are servants of the dramatist. It is what they can show the audience when they are not talking that reveals the fine actor.” — Cedric Hardwicke

  • Dance
  • Theatre
  • Makeup
  • Rhum
  • Coffee
  • Russian lessons
  • Fish
  • Licorice
  • Émile Zola
  • The United States
  • Christmas
  • Politics


Determined, audacious, competitive and perfectionist. He doesn't let anything or anyone stands in the way of his objectives. He is perceived as someone cold, conniving, haughty and of bad company by most people. The most disdainful of them would go so far as to refer to him as “garçonnet” or “fillette” because of his love for ballet. However, no-one, even the most deceitful of all, would dare to call his artistic talent into question. The only ones that never judged him are his actual friends, which he spends most of his time with at pubs or school. His friends kind of became his only escape from the constant pressure he gets in his everyday life.

Émile started to find interest in the art scene when he was very young (around 4 or 5) after he had seen a performance with his grandparents. He soon began to take acting and dance lessons in a little school in the Parisian suburb. He doesn't know what discipline is his favourite yet and hesitates a lot between rushing himself completely into ballet or continuing his theatrical way, even if his dearest wish would be to be able to pursue both of his passions. Émile could often be found doing performances blending acting and dance with his theatre company, which is pretty popular among the public thanks to its refreshing feel.

He is living with his grandparents most of the time, since his parents are working in the United States. He is a single child and doesn't have any cousin on his mother’s side, just two around his age (15 and 19) on his father’s side. It is his youngest cousin, Daniel, who supported and helped him the most when facing their family with the realization of his bisexuality. If it wasn't because he encouraged him, Émile wouldn't have taken the risk to confess his sexuality to his relatives.

  • Keep in mind when drawing
  • He has pretty sweet features, his body is very slim and gracious and his face is enchanting.
  • He’s always wearing something purple, no matter what.
  • Trivia
  • Émile officially is a countertenor, this fact paired with his rather androgynous appearance makes him the perfect candidate to play the role of “the girl” in any scenario Lucien is writing if he doesn’t have any actress at hand.
  • Émile learned to sing in the choir at his Calvinist Church when he was a boy. And, while he never had any interest in church music, he enjoys lending his voice when asked by his theatre troupe.

Best Friend and confident















Friend and crush leader



1. Architecture (Jules) 2. Sculpture (Étienne) 3. Painting (Jean) 4. Music (Louis) 5. Literature (Olivier) 6. Performing (Émile) 7. Film (Lucien)