Hyaesia Seabloom






Hyaesia was born a Quel'dorei, a high elf from the city-state of Quel'thalas. She survived the Scourge invasion and lived in Dalaran for a few years, continuing her studies on the arcane. However, she prefers to spend her time in Stormwind. Once Alleria Windrunner started accepting Thalassian elves who had interest in the Void to train under her, Hyaesia jumped for the opportunity. As she trained her body shifted to a more umbrous form, her skin is a soft, pale blue with a few scars dotting her body. Her hair is a deep indigo that flows into an almost glowing light azure on the tips.

Oftentimes Hyaesia can be found in her casual magic wear. The vestment itself is mostly a plum colored silk that cascades down her form. Along the ends of her sleeves and robe is a black lining with a gold trim. Her front is covered by old burgundy cloth with an opening around her stomach. Long, black, cloth strips going down along her shoulders. Below that, her belt is studded with three purple crystals. Noticeably, she always has a choker with a small amethyst runestone in the center.

Her clothing is ornate but overall she isn't one to stand out in a crowd. Hyaesia has a very reserved nature and rarely reaches out to others on her own accord. However she has a deeply empathetic nature and can pick up on others' emotions easily. If one can break past her walls she is very pleasant company to be around.


  • Hyaesia's voice claim is that of Victoria Atkin.
  • She is left handed.
  • Luminaire, a unicorn given to her as a foal for her 10th birthday, has stayed by Hyaesia's side for most of her life, even transferring to the void alongside her.
  • Originally, Hyaesia's character was actually a cat, but was turned into a void elf after Blizzcon 2017.
  • Hyaesia can speak fluent Common and Thalassian along with trace amounts of Shath'Yar.
  • She's proficient in enchanting and inscription.


Willowy but strong
Round with a light, azure glow
Skin Tone
Pale aqua
Hair color
Violet with blue tips
Hair style
Down and loose with frames
Blue, purple and pink color scheme
  • She almost always has her choker on.
  • Her hair has a slight glow at the end.
  • Hyaesia's magic tends to have a pink and blue color.
  • Her eyes will shift to pink when she uses a large amount of power.
  • In later void form appearances, she has short tentacles resting on her inner shoulders.



  • Empathetic
  • Curious
  • Reticient
  • Impulsive


  • Arcane magic
  • Rainy Weather
  • Books and Scrolls
  • Tea


  • Dalaran
  • Fel magic
  • Interacting with strangers
  • Prejudice

"Write a quote here....."

Hyaesia is an empath and often can tell what someone else is feeling from just a quick interaction. Ironically, she's incredibly shy and has a hard time reaching out to interact in the first place. Oftentimes one has to reach out to her instead. The few people she speaks to regularly are ones she holds dearly.

While she only stays close to a few people, Hyaesia feels responsible for the safety of others. She's highly driven in her goal for more magical power, power that she wants to hone for the aid of others, even if it takes some traditionally dubious means to get that power. She is quite impulsive and will often make questionable decisions if she feels it's for a good cause.

Hyaesia keeps much to herself, she feels like she is burdening others with her own issues when she vents. She questions her own self worth and battles with her past traumas frequently. She can put up a convincing mask, however she is slowly learning how to embrace her tumultuous emotions and to express herself more openly. For her family and others alike.










[Prismatic Barrier]

Hyaesia can block herself or any ally around her with a powerful arcane shield, blocking almost any physical or magical attacks. However, whoever is in the shield cannot interact outside of it. In some cases, she can expand the shield to protect multiple people.

[Arcane Missiles]

Hyaesia can almost instantly launch waves of arcane missiles for as long as her available energy permits her too. As the cast goes on each blast grows weaker, but there is no understating how quickly an enemy can be incapacitated by this spell.

[Entrophic Embrace]

Sometimes Hyaesia can invoke the powers of the Void and imbue her form with a more ethereal and shadowy essence. Her magic attacks grow stronger and her physical attacks weaker, however her resistence is increased as well. She cannot keep this form up for too long.

[Spatial Rift]

Combining her void and arcane powers, Hyaesia can make a small amount of rifts in space and time and travel between them, improving her mobility in battle. However like any of her Void abilities, she cannot overuse it or keep the spell channeling for more than a short amount of time.



Early Life

Fifty years before the First War, Hyaesia was born to Kealara and Soaris Seabloom in Silvermoon City. Along with her parents, she had an older sister named Laenia Seabloom, a low-ranking Farstrider, an elite ranger active in Quel'thalas. Her family was by no means nobility, however they were well off. Her mother was a powerful arcanist and her father was a shiphandler and part-time jewelcrafter. For her tenth birthday, she was given a unicorn bred from her sister and a friend’s steeds. She named her new companion Luminaire. Hyaesia and Luminaire's bond has proved to be unbreakable.

Soon after her fourteenth birthday Hyaesia discovered a talent for the arcane. While hunting with her sister, a lynx pounced on Laenia. Hyaesia, inundated with her emotions, unleashed a weak arcane explosion that scared off the lynx. Laenia was a little hurt by the blast, but was overwhelmingly proud of her little sister. Kealara began training her daughter almost immediately. Hyaesia grew a strong love for the arcane and its secrets. She wanted to learn all she could about magic. She made a habit of studying every resource she could. However excited Hyaesia was, Kealara made sure to emphasize control in her magic above all else, lest she get lost in her power. One morning during portal practice, Hyaesia accidentally attracted some unwanted attention in the form of a lone felhound. Before either of them could get hurt, her mother dispatched it and used the mistake as a lesson. “Magic attracts the Twisting Nether, take care to not tempt the Burning Legion.”

Hyaesia was never mindful of the politics of the Alliance and was indifferent to Quel'thalas pulling away from the faction after the Second War. Years later, rumblings of the Plague of Undeath started floating around. Many high elves were indifferent to the plague, Hyaesia among them. Everything changed when the news that Quel'thalas was under siege by the very Plague they ignored. Laenia rushed to aid her fellow Farstriders on the front lines, but their efforts were for naught. The first of the elfgates, a pair of large, magical shields raised to defend Quel'thalas, was destroyed by the fallen human prince, Arthas Menethil's undead armies.

Laenia survived the initial assault and rushed to warn her family after the fall of Ban'dinoriel, the second and final elfgate. On her way she was intercepted by a half elf Death Knight. From the distance, Hyaesia saw her sister fighting and rushed to her defense. Before the moment it took to cast a barrier the Death Knight decapitated Laenia. Hyaesia broke and killed the half elf with a single arcane explosion. She didn't have time to take Laenia's corpse, but during the retreat Hyaesia took her sister's choker. The Seabloom family reconciled at the Bazaar with other survivors of the Scourge invasion.

A week passed of waiting in the tattered ruins of Silvermoon while the remaining undead forces battered at the baracades of the Bazaar. Kael'thas Sunstrider, the son of the late King Anasterian Sunstrider, was due to return to his people. Kealara, impatient from the delay of their Prince's return, snuck her family away and teleported them to the mage city of Dalaran to rejoin the Alliance. During this time Hyaesia imbued her amethyst runestone with her sister's choker. She donned it as rememberance of her sister, the genocide of her people and a vow to herself. She vowed never to let someone bleed at the hands of injustice on her watch, that she would train her magic to become as powerful as she could.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget. Pellentesque commodo, dolor nec tempor maximus, risus risus lobortis eros, vitae mollis felis odio vel nulla. Etiam sed libero laoreet ipsum lacinia sagittis eu non lectus. Fusce sit amet lectus nec massa auctor aliquam et molestie metus. Sed at est in ante egestas iaculis. Nullam varius gravida ligula nec malesuada.


Fomni Starshard



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Laenia Seabloom



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Character Name



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


[Amethyst Runestone]

Made by her mother and father, Hyaesia always has this protective runestone on her person. You will almost never find her without it attached to a choker on her neck. The choker being a memento from her late sister, Laenia.


A small and mundane sword with a few magical runes etched into it. When Hyaesia is unable to use her magic she can quickly switch over to her blade to end things before it gets too rough.

[Conjured Mana Buns]

As a practicer of arcane magic, Hyaesia can conjure simple food items. The quickest are simple mana buns that she neatly wraps and carries in her satchel in case of emergency. She uses some mana to make the buns but can regain it by consumption.

[Manual of Mootable Magics]

Hyaesia always carries a spellbook with her, however her favorite is the Manual of Mootable Magics by an unknown author. Notes and added spells are scribbled all around the book.


World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor